American Structurepoint Inc. has been a mainstay of ENR Midwest’s Top Design Firms ranking, and this year the firm has been named Design Firm of the Year.

Founded in 1966, the more than 400-employee, Indianapolis-based engineering and architectural firm has consistently held its position in the top 15 of ENR Midwest’s Top Design Firms ranking since 2010. The firm jumped two spots to No. 13 this year with $82.27 million in revenue in 2017, up from $74.36 million the previous year. The privately held firm’s steady growth comes from its commitment to expanding services and meeting clients’ needs, whether it be in ASI’s traditional area of expertise in transportation engineering or its expanding architecture practice— which includes delivering corporate campuses for Indiana’s burgeoning tech sector and work at the state’s biggest universities—or structural engineering, landscape or other civil services.

“You look at the 51-year history at the firm, and you’ll see that it’s pretty good, solid, straight up [with] the right growth, with very, very few down years ... and I think the diversification is what’s driven that” says Greg Henneke, senior executive vice president and partner at the firm. “The only thing I would add then, are there differences? [With regard to architecture], I would say in the past 10 years [there] has been an initiative where we’ve said, if we’re going to do something, we want to be one of the best at it. We’ve really ramped up our efforts to compete, to be one of the best architects in the state—along with being the best transportation engineer in the state.”


That diversification has allowed the firm to bid on and win projects that other firms can’t deliver in-house. For example, American Structurepoint (ASI) is the architect, structural engineer, civil engineer, interior designer and landscape architect on the 40,880-sq-ft, $13.7-million Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association (CEDIA) headquarters in Fishers, Ind. The association’s headquarters building and campus broke ground in November 2017, and when completed by design-build general contractor Meyer Najem this fall, the group will move from a crowded and outdated space in Indianapolis.

“We came to this decision only after 18 months of consideration of all options, including renovating the current space, finding new lease space, buying an existing structure and finally, building,” says Dennis Erskine, CEDIA chairman. “We had three separate financial firms vet the build-to-suit alternative, and all concluded that real estate in this booming area was a sound investment and a solid strategy to diversify CEDIA’s overall investment portfolio.”


– Rick Conner, President and COO, American Structurepoint

ASI一直是印第安纳州顶级科技公司中建筑繁荣的受益者,塞迪亚,蓝调技术合作伙伴,迈耶·纳吉姆(Meyer Najem)等客户都在Fishers和Noblesville等地方建立了新的总部。迈耶·纳吉姆(Meyer Najem)曾与ASI合作从事渔民的几个项目,包括他们在镍板新利18备用网址区的总部。ASI通过发射Fishers Project进入了热门市场的底层,这是一家技术公司的孵化器,该公司在迈耶·纳杰姆(Meyer Najem)总部租用的空间中开始。

“发射渔民希望在梅尔Najem一些空间’s new headquarters, and we had a little fun with it, and some creativity in designing the space,” says Rick Conner, president, chief operating officer and a partner at ASI. “Launch Fishers then met with all these up-and-coming entrepreneurs that quit high school and quit college, and they’re going to this space where they provide you WiFi and incubator space. So BlueSky came out of this little, tiny incubator space in the Meyer Najem headquarters building, and we were able to then work with them on their big project there at Federal Hill in Noblesville.”


“We started to vet the space out in Hamilton County, and we started that process by choosing our building partners. We chose Meyer Najem general contractors and American Structurepoint as our partners,” says Todd Irwin, CEO of BlueSky. “They took us and our associates through a visioning session and it was facilitated and executed by American Structurepoint. It was an invaluable way for the culture and quality and aesthetics of what BlueSky is as a brand and who we are as people to [be reflected in a design] output.”

The breadth of ASI’s multidisciplinary knowledge continues to help the company win repeat business from its many demanding clients.

“American Structurepoint has significant market knowledge coupled with the depth of resources necessary to deliver exceptional value to their clients,” says Sam Mishelow, chief strategy officer of Meyer Najem. “We chose ASI to design our new headquarter facility as well. The leadership team is intimately involved in cultivating long-term relationships with their many clients. Currently, we are working with ASI on the new headquarters for CEDIA in Fishers as well as the expansion of the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center on the Noblesville Square.”

Beyond Its Borders

美国结构点仍然是印第安纳州最重要的运输工程师之一。该公司于去年中西部最佳项目和桥梁类别中的13亿美元东区交叉点中设计了第6节。新利18备用该项目通过桥梁和回旋处连接肯塔基州路易斯维尔和印第安纳州杰斐逊维尔。该公司还设计了印第安纳州特雷·哈特(Terre Haute)的880万美元玛格丽特大街III阶段项目,该项目将Erie Canal Road和19th Street连接了CSX铁路的立交桥。ASI再次展示了其服务的多样性,既是新路的土地测量师和设计师。


Growing beyond Indiana has brought ASI work in the last year in locales such as Austin, Texas, and a roundabout project to replace a four-way stop in the neighboring communities of North Ridgeville and Avon, Ohio.

The work that ASI did on the Ohio River bridges project ended up being a stepping stone to becoming involved with the $2-billion I-66 Outside the Beltway P3 Project in Virginia. The firm is designing an $800-million section of the overall project.
