Legislation to reauthorize Federal Aviation Administration programs, including airport construction grants, is moving again on Capitol Hill. At ENR press time, the House was on the verge of a vote on a six-year bill that would freeze authorizations for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants at $3.35 billion a year through fiscal 2023.


Construction officials hoped the House also would add amendments to boost AIP funds and remove the $4.50 cap on passenger facility charges (PFCs), a key construction funding source. It was unclear whether either would be adopted.

An amendment from Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) would raise AIP gradually, to about $4 billion in 2023. Brian Deery, senior director of the Associated General Contractors of America highway and transportation division, says, “Obviously, we’d like to see that [AIP program] boosted up.” He adds, “There’s money in the [aviation] trust fund for it and it’s been flat-level funding for a lot of years.”


众议员托马斯·马西(Thomas Massie)(r-ky。)的修正案将消除PFC上限,自2000年以来定为4.50美元。FAAPEGS 2017 PFC收藏量为33亿美元。

Industry sees the six-year House measure as a welcome change after three stopgaps since July 2016. The latest extension, enacted March 23 in the omnibus package, lapses Sept. 30.

参议院商务委员会去年6月清算了一项为期四年的美国联邦航空局法案,每年的AIP徒步旅行,最高为37.5亿美元。它保留了$ 4.50 PFC上限。参议院助手说:“我们希望在八月之前进行长期重新授权。”Dave Bauer, American Road & Transportation Builders Association executive vice president, says, “If the House approves a bill, every indication that we’ve heard …from [Hill] leadership and others is that FAA is one of the things that they’re going to do in the remainder of the year.”