The city of Arlington is nestled between Dallas and Fort Worth. It is home to about 380,000 residents, the Texas Rangers baseball team, the Dallas Cowboys and a flurry of construction activity. Nearly $3.32 billion has been invested in Arlington’s economy in projects that were either under construction, approved or completed during 2017. Still more new projects have been announced, so the building boom is likely to continue.

在阿灵顿,最大的项目是11亿美元的全球生命领域,由阿灵顿市和流浪者的未来故乡拥有。旁边是一个新的综合用途开发项目,被称为德克萨斯州现场!这项耗资2.5亿美元的项目旨在填补Globe Life Field和AT&T体育场之间的空间,并用一个娱乐区取代地面停车场。

阿灵顿还拥有蓬勃发展的工业部门和蓬勃发展的学生住房市场。强大的发展活动以及该市管理主要项目的建设的独特方法,导致德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州Enr Enl选择阿灵顿作为年度所有者。新利18备用网址新利18备用

阿灵顿经济发展办公室经济发展经理布鲁斯·佩恩(Bruce C.


Another engine of growth is the University of Texas at Arlington, located in the downtown area. “They’ve got about 58,000 total students at this point, and 42,000 of those are on-campus students, so developers have come in and are building student housing like crazy,” Payne says. “These are coming along in $40- million to $50-million projects. Some of it is just market-rate, mixed-use rentals, and others are dedicated student-housing projects.”

The third key factor is Arlington’s general location within the Metroplex, including its proximity to major interstate highways and DFW airport, which helps to drive an enormous amount of industrial construction.

Construction Everywhere



– Bruce C. Payne, Economic Development Manager, Office of Economic Development, City of Arlington


Part of that growth is being driven by a $1.4-billion expansion and renovation of a General Motors assembly plant, a project that will expand the automaker’s full-size SUV manufacturing facility by 1.2 million sq ft. Work began in 2015 and is expected to wrap up this year.

一个相关的项目是耗资2.5亿美元的阿灵顿汽车物流中心,距GM工厂仅一英里。Northpoint Development在该设施上的领先工作是由两座工业制造和仓库建筑组成的,这些建筑物超过120万平方英尺。该地点以前是六个旗帜购物中心的所在地,这些购物中心已被拆除和重新开发,其中包括几个相邻物业。

Understanding What Is Needed

“从计划和分区以及基础设施的角度来看,我们肯定有一些挑战,即该网站所处的条件到支持计划中的使用所需的条件,” Northpoint Development总裁Chad Meyer解释说。。“该市从基础设施和许可中做出了一些非常积极的承诺,并承诺帮助我们抵消一些非凡的成本。新利18备用官网登录我们已经与许多城市合作,但是阿灵顿肯定了解了需要什么,并从员工的角度开始做出了承诺,以确保我们可以符合时间表。”

That leadership helps attract companies to build in the city. “Local government has a key role in facilitating new projects as well as redevelopment, and so if you have a local government that has the ability to forge a strong partnership, with good, solid reputable developers, the results can be just outstanding,” Payne says. “And I think that’s what we’ve been able to do. We get involved to make sure that [a project] comes out and not only meets the needs of the developer and his financial backers but also meets the needs of the community.”

Arlington is an older city; most of its land has been developed and its infrastructure is aging. As a result, the city must provide new infrastructure to support new projects, Payne explains.

“There’s always complications with construction, there’s always unknowns that happen, and so the trick is how do we respond to that and how do we help the developer through those moments when things happen that nobody saw in advance,” he says.

Housing the Rangers

Globe Life Field正在城市与德克萨斯游骑兵之间的合作伙伴关系下建立。“阿灵顿自1972年以来一直是流浪者的家,”该团队业务运营执行副总裁Rob Matwick说。“与我们目前的球场不同,Globe Life Field将具有可伸缩的屋顶。气候控制是我们在新建筑中前进的重要原因之一,除了能够为我们的粉丝们创造新的高级领域和经验。”


The city owns the ballpark, and the Rangers will lease the facility from Arlington, Payne says.

Manhattan Construction is building the ballpark under a construction manager at-risk contract with a guaranteed maximum price. The 40,000-seat, 1.8-million-sq-ft facility is being built on a fast-track schedule to meet a March 2020 opening. The ballpark’s concrete-and-steel structure will be wrapped in glass, architectural precast, stone and metal panels.

“阿灵顿拥有一个成功的公式,用于资助新球场等资助项目。新利18备用网址他们已经用我们现任公园的环球生活公园(Globe Life Park)证明了这一点 - 该市的债券提前几年还清。”

Additionally, the city was ahead of schedule in paying off AT&T Stadium, the Dallas Cowboys’ venue, but refinanced that debt last year to pay for both facilities at the same time. AT&T Stadium is also city-owned and leased to the Cowboys, Payne notes.

“They’ve proven it time and again that they can do it through the sales tax mechanism primarily, without increasing property taxes to citizens,” Matwick explains.

The number of visitors to Arlington’s entertainment district is estimated at around 14 million a year. Those tourists will help to retire the stadium debt and improve the entertainment district and the city overall, Matwick points out.


与新的球场一起,巴尔的摩的开发商The Cordish Cos。正在建造2.5亿美元的德克萨斯州现场直播!与德克萨斯游骑兵和城市合作的酒店和娱乐开发。该项目将位于约翰逊溪(Johnson Creek)的新球场和AT&T体育场之间。曼哈顿公司合资团队正在施工领导。

德克萨斯现场!将设有200,000平方英尺的餐饮场所以及5,000个容量的户外活动馆。与德克萨斯现场绑架!是旗舰现场!Loews Hotel撰写,设有300间客房,共有35,000平方英尺的会议,会议和特殊活动空间。

Ideas for development near the Rangers’ ballpark date back to when Globe Life Park opened in 1994, but nothing has moved forward until now. “It was tried a couple times previously. In 1994, there was actually a plan to build around [Globe Life Park], but the ownership group at the time ended up selling the team, and it didn’t happen,” Matwick says. “Then back in 2006-2007, when Mr. [Tom] Hicks had the team, he had a plan for the Glory Park project, which was a very ambitious retail, entertainment, housing project between the ballpark and what would eventually be AT&T Stadium. Then the economy took a downturn, so those plans got scrapped.”

讨论始于2014年与位于巴尔的摩的Cordish Cos。的讨论,该公司被认为是体育锚定发展的领导者。“实际上,这些谈判实际上是在现有新球场的前景之前开始的,”曼威克说。“实际上,我们距离球场上的租赁到期还有十年的路程,因此我们非常清楚地说,如果发生了什么事,我们可能不在这里。但是Cordish cos。在娱乐区的所有事物中都非常相信这符合他们的最大利益,而我们的人集体以合作伙伴的身份前进。”

About a year after Cordish and the Rangers reached an agreement on what would become Texas Live!, voters passed the city’s bond package for the new ballpark. Texas Live! is scheduled to open this fall, about a year and a half ahead of the new ballpark, Matwick says.


2016年,开发商尼希米(Nehemiah Co.)在阿灵顿公共场合的第一阶段打破了地面,这项为期10年的项目价值2亿美元,旨在振兴拉马尔大道(Lamar Boulevard)的一部分。阿灵顿市正在根据公私伙伴协议与开发商合作。


Combined, the four complexes were worth about $12 million on the city’s tax rolls and had about 736 units, Payne says.

“有些租户刚离开,他们觉得是时候该走了,但是其中许多人仍然倾向于成为单亲父母,因此开发人员与我们在这里的一个团队合作,称为Mission Arlington | Mission Metroplex,以帮助找到一个这些人移动的地方,很多时候,这意味着要为他们确保新的租约,然后实际移动他们。”佩恩解释说。


The first structure, which contains about 350 units, is now complete, and the developer is starting on the second of the five structures, Payne notes.

“阿灵顿以滚动袖子和完成工作而闻名。I know our ownership has said that we’re not sure that we could have done what we’re doing here in any other city in the country because of the positive attitude and willingness to get things done that city leadership has here in Arlington,” Matwick says.

随着整个城市旗舰项目的建设继续,新作品已经以各种不同形式领先。新利18备用网址例如,在3月,该市宣布了一项最先进的计划,100,000平方英尺的电子竞技场,用于视频游戏比赛。该项目将将现有的阿灵顿会议中心转变为竞技场。这座城市正在与建筑师人口合作,并在该风险投资中进行Enports LLC。

发展在全球生活领域可能会有限公司ntinue once Texas Live! is complete as well. “Our intent is we’ll let the market sort of dictate, but we don’t intend to stop at Texas Live! We’re going to continue to look for other opportunities to develop around the new ballpark and continue to grow the entertainment district and hope that we can build an environment where you can work, live and play right here in the heart of Arlington,” Matwick says.