President Trump has signed, somewhat reluctantly, a $1.3-trillion fiscal 2018 spending package that features a $21.2-billion increase for an array of federal infrastructure programs, including highways, airports, drinking-water and wastewater-treatment plants and veterans' health facilities.

The legislation, the product of bipartisan negotiations, cleared the House on March 22 by a 256-167 vote. The Senate followed suit in the early hours of March 23 by a 65-32 vote (View bill texthere.). Trump signed the measure later that day.

In the morning, however, Trump had posted a tweet threatening to veto the spending package, for not providing as much funding for a border wall as he wanted and for omitting assistance to undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

Enactment of the spending bill averted a partial government shutdown at midnight on March 23.


Appropriators spread the $10 billion, plus another $11 billion, across a variety of infrastructure programs. (View fact sheethere.) Steve Hall, American Council of Engineering Companies vice president for government affairs, says, "We could make a strong case that across the board they could be 'plussed-up' much, much more, but it's a good first step."


Of that total, about $1 billion would come from the Highway Trust Fund to meet the $44.2-billlion authorized level set in the 2015 Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act. The other $2.5 billion would come from the general fund, with most of those dollars to be divided among the states according to their shares of the overall highway obligations.

美国国家公路协会兼运输官员政策总监Joung Lee说:“我们希望看到超过25亿美元用于联邦援助高速公路计划的耗资,但显然这仍然非常有帮助。”

Lee also notes that the final version didn't include an $800-million highway funding rescission that House appropriators had recommended.

The omnibus does increase highway dollars, but Lee says that "it doesn't get to the big-picture question...of the long-term solvency of the [Highway] Trust Fund, which admittedly requires a much, much bigger fix."

美国公路与运输建筑商协会国会关系高级副总裁迪恩·弗兰克斯(Dean Franks)表示,综合法案额外的35亿美元在高速公路上增加了约8%。他补充说:“我认为这为投资最少的位置设定了一个新的基线,向前迈进。”

其他运输收益包括10亿美元用于联邦航空管理机场的赠款,这是该计划最近记忆中该计划最大的徒步旅行 - 以及经常超额认购的运输投资产生经济回收(Tiger)赠款的10亿美元。

Franks says ARTBA has been pushing for an increase in the airport grant program for more than a decade. He says, "Getting that billion dollars in there is going to be great," particularly for non-hub and rural airports.

Industry officials were disappointed, however, that the final package didn't include an increase in the maximum airport passenger facility charge, which is now $4.50. Those fees are another important revenue source for aviation infrastructure projects. Senate appropriators had recommended a PFC hike but it wasn't included in the final bill.

Environmental Protection Agency water infrastructure funding also would climb, with $300-million increases for both the wastewater-treatment and drinking-water state revolving funds, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies notes. NACWA says the $600-million "represents the most significant new money for these programs in many years."

与水有关的团体还指出了6300万美元的水基础设施融资和创新法案联邦贷款计划或Wifia的分配。美国水工厂政府事务执行主任特雷西·梅汉(Tracy Mehan)在一份声明中说:“迫切需要取代和扩大美国的水和废水基础设施,Wifia对于续签这些资产的成功至关重要。”

The Army Corps of Engineers civil-works program would get a $789-million hike.

Dept. of Veterans Affairs health-care facilities would receive a massive $2-billion boost, including $1 billion for "non-recurring maintenance."

Moreover, some of the package's $61.1-billion increase in overall defense spending will go for military construction. According to a House Appropriations Committeefact sheet, the measure hikes "mil con" spending by $2.4 billion, or 31%, from the 2017 level.


In addition, the legislation would extend authorizations for FAA programs, including airport grants, for six months. (See bill text, Division M.) The extension would carry through September. The current stopgap FAA bill is due to expire on March 28.
