
在去年的铁工人(IU)年度会议上,凯利·科斯(Kelly Cos。)和认真的实验室展示了一个虚拟的升降机模拟器和一个房间的早期版本,这是一个协作VR培训环境,它将让多个用户在同一空间中工作(ENR 10新利18备用/23/17p。31)。IU的学徒和培训部门的总体组织者迈克尔·莱里林(Michael Relyin)说:“我们正在研究现在的情况。”

Relyin notes that some branches are using a virtual welder simulator from Lincoln Electric. “When the virtual welder first hit the market, it was expensive and you got a lot of people hesitant to utilize the opportunity,” he says. “Over time I’ve seen people start to realize the benefits of using it. I know that starting out a couple of locals used it.” He estimates that 30% of union chapters throughout the country are now using it.

画家联盟利用虚拟喷雾器和welders for more than five years, says Thomas Pfundstein, director of curriculum and instruction for the Finishing Trades Institute. “We were at the forefront of utilizing [VR].”

凯利·科斯(Kelly Cos。)知识发行总监肯·罗杰斯(Ken Rogers)通过其K学习小组为工会和协会提供了在线培训系统,他说,VR提供商希望继续降低成本。新利18备用官网登录例如,虚拟提升硬件和软件现在不到100,000美元。


国际培训学院计划主任迈克尔·哈里斯(Michael Harris)表示,空中升降机物理模拟器对于像金属工人等工会是一大步的一步。哈里斯说:“ VR训练……大部分首次出来时,我会考虑浮华。”“这款升降机模拟器是我看到如何在实际训练环境中使用它的第一件。它吸引了我们。我们正在购买一个。”

The virtual welder can save a lot of energy and materials expended with real-world welding training, notes Relyin. “You get a lot more efficient feedback and training” than if one instructor is trying to check on multiple trainees, he adds. “Regarding OSHA standards, [VR’s role] is still in debate.”


锅炉制造商国家学徒计划的国家协调员马克·沃兹(Mark Wertz)表示,尽管目前尚未在课程培训中使用VR。”

罗杰斯说,凯利·科斯(Kelly Cos。)希望将虚拟焊接纳入一个房间空间。“我们正在建立现实世界中的场景,例如玻璃或窗户安装,以便进入一个房间,以便学员可以与安全人员,讲师等合作。”


And from a recruitment standpoint, “VR has huge potential,” says Harris, noting that virtual welders have been a big hit at recruitment events. “We have a short time to make an impression. These kids are gamers.”