Senate Democrats have put on the table a $1-trillion, 10-year infrastructure plan composed entirely of direct federal funding, a counterproposal to President Trump's $1.5-trillion blueprint, which includes just $200 billion in federal spending.

But the Democrats' way to offset their proposed infrastructure spending boost would be to tighten up on recently enacted tax breaks for corporations and wealthy individuals, a proposal that quickly drew sharp criticism from a leading Senate Republican.

民主党人说,特朗普计划有缺陷,因为其他基础设施帐户中的削减将否定其直接支出。少数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)在3月7日介绍参议院民主党的计划时说,特朗普的框架说:“抢劫彼得向保罗付钱给Paul a Pittance付出了足够的努力来重建我们的基础设施。”

但是参议院环境和公共工程委员会主席约翰·巴拉索(John Barrasso)(R-Wyo。)抨击了民主党的计划。他在一份声明中说:“如果查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)和参议院民主党人花了更多的时间与共和党人合作在基础设施上,而花费更少的时间来思考新的方法来提高对勤奋的美国人的税收,那么我们将取得更大的进步。”

Brian Turmail, a spokesman for the Associated General Contractors of America, said on March 8 via email, "There is a lot to like in the proposal, but it is difficult for us to see a path where Congress and the administration would end up supporting the 'pay-fors' outlined in the proposal."

Kristina Swallow, American Society of Civil Engineers president, said in a statement, "With both parties' leadership now putting forth infrastructure plans, it's time to turn this conversation into legislative action."


ASCE的燕子和美国公共交通协会首席执行官Paul Skoutelas指出了信托基金的规定,交通工具,建筑和工程团体认为这是一个很高的优先事项。

其他large allocations are $115 billion each for water and sewer systems and for public transit as well as $80 billion for the electric grid/clean energy.

School facilities and rail infrastructure each would get $50 billion.

The tax-related "pay-fors" include raising the corporate tax rate to 25% from the 21% level set in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a change that would bring in an estimated $359 billion.

Democrats also would raise the top individual tax rate to 39.6%, from 37% under the tax-cut bill, signed into law on Dec. 22. That change would raise $139 billion over 10 years, the Democrats estimate.

In addition, Democrats propose restoring the alternative minimum tax for high-income individuals, which would raise an estimated $429 billion.



Story updated on 3/9/2018 with comment from Associated General Contractors of America