照片由Cheniere Energy提供
Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass project will generate more than 3,000 jobs during peak construction. Initial shipments are expected by 2016.
Photo Courtesy of Freeport LNG
Gulf Coast liquefaction plant, originally conceived as an LNG import complex, is undergoing an overhaul and upgrade to convert Freeport's facility into an LNG export terminal.


10月下旬,在十多个拟议的液化天然气出口码头中,建造开始了。当它的三个Gas-Liquefaction“火车”完成并于2018年开始商业运营时,位于洛杉矶Hackberry的100亿美元Cameron LNG设施将能够每天进入LNG的天然气约17亿立方英尺这是一种致密的,能量填充的液体,在运往日本和其他买家后,将重新加油,以供电力公用事业和其他天然气消费者使用。

Cameron LNG, which is being developed by a joint venture of Sempra Energy, GDF Suez, Mitsui & Co. and Mitsubishi Corp., follows Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Cameron Parish, La., which has been under construction for more than two years and whose first LNG train is expected to begin liquefying gas by early 2016. Three additional trains will follow later, in 2016 and in 2017.

其他两个液化天然气出口项目 - 德克萨斯州新利18备用网址自由港的液化天然气和马里兰州湾角的Dominion Resources cove Point lng。很快可能正在建设。但是,其他几个项目的开发商仍在寻求批准其能源部,联邦能源监管委员会或两个新利18备用网址机构的计划,并正在努力与海外公用事业公司对付20至25的LNG的大量LNG年。

Most of the projects awaiting final federal approvals are located along the U.S. Gulf Coast, but a handful would be built along the West Coast or East Coast.

This "second pack" of LNG export projects faces increasing pressure from U.S. utilities, petrochemical companies and others that argue that exporting too much natural gas overseas will force domestic gas prices higher and undermine the potential for an industrial resurgence here at home.

America's Energy Advantage, an industry group that includes several large consumers of natural gas, has been pressing Congress to reject legislation such as H.R. 6, which was approved by the House of Representatives in June, to streamline the LNG export approval process.

The group said in a September letter to House Speaker John Boehner, "The benefits of America's natural-gas abundance to our domestic economy— robust job creation, manufacturing investment, affordable consumer prices and lower utility bills—are in the public interest of all Americans, and the export volume of this valuable national resource should be considered in that light."

在未来两三年中,将有多少个预计美国液化天然气设施开始建设?“我希望建立七个或八个项目。” Bentek En新利18备用网址ergy的高级能源分析师Javier Diaz说,他追踪了液化天然气市场。

"Our base-case scenario includes Sabine Pass, Cameron, Freeport, Cove Point" and three other projects: the Lake Charles LNG project in Louisiana, the Elba Island LNG project in Georgia and the Corpus Christi LNG project in Texas, according to Diaz. "The first four have been able to secure both DOE and FERC approvals." Lake Charles and Elba Island have off-take agreements for most of their output "and also are existing LNG import facilities."

The Corpus Christi project, meanwhile, "is well advanced with its FERC application" and has off-take deals in hand for 100% of its first two trains, Diaz says. "We may soon add Jordan Cove LNG [in Oregon], which has approvals from FERC and Canada's National Energy Board to export both U.S. and Canadian gas and is also well advanced in the FERC process."

Paul Patterson, energy analyst at Glenrock Associates of New York City, says, "In the near term, the number of LNG export facilities developed will be largely determined by how many projects can receive the necessary regulatory approvals."

However, he adds, "Over the long term, I think a big driver will be how much competition North American suppliers might encounter from increased overseas supplies. This is a dynamic market, and many things could happen in places [such as] Russia, Qatar and Mozambique," each of which would like to expand LNG exports.



Given that the LNG export sector is highly competitive, it is not surprising the four LNG export projects that have advanced most quickly are at facilities originally designed and built to import LNG to the U.S.