由于允许其大约1英里长的海堤问题,A1A州道路A1A的3000万美元迈阿密海滩减少洪水泛滥项目正面临进一步的延误。迈阿密海滩的公共工程总监埃里克·卡彭特(Eric Carpenter)说,因此,承包商可能需要重建距离水太近的部分。



The latest problem resulted partly from the city not obtaining a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, though it had obtained permits from Miami-Dade County Environmental Resources Management and the state.

军团发言人纳基尔·诺布尔斯(Nakeir Nobles)告诉ENR,该机构新利18备用正处于审查此案的早期阶段。贵族补充说:“上周给该市发了一封停止信。…目前,我们没有暂定的解决日期。”

前迈阿密海滩城市布鲁斯Mowry工程师who initially led the project, told ENR that USACE had not indicated any issue with the project’s plans since receiving the permit application in September 2016. Mowry stepped down from his position earlier this month, after the election of Mayor Dan Gelber.

The problem was “exacerbated” by a lengthening of the seawall, which resulted from unexpected success in acquiring control over adjoining properties, says Carpenter. The wall’s length tripled over the course of construction, he says.

