预制,预成组,拆卸,驳船,抬起,摆动,设定,贴合和连接。钢铁馆长巴里·金(Barry King)低估了框架洛克菲勒大学(Rockefeller University)在曼哈顿(Manhattan)960英尺长的实验室建筑所需的模块操纵和高空杂技。


金指的是1994年执行的类似但不太大胆的项目。对于纽约医院,钢铁承包商Canron Construction Corp.由Barge提供了模块,仅在实验室以北的Drive上的一座12层建筑物的第一个故事(新利18备用ENR 8/7/1995p。24)。金在医院项目上咬牙切齿,作为钢铁馆长拉里·W·戴维斯(Larry W. Davis)的二手措施,医院的模块化策划者,金的导师和实验室工作的顾问。

新利18备用ENR 3/20-27/17 p。36
钢铁架在曼哈顿东河上的FDR Drive上,将模块化交付到一个新的水平。

桑顿·托马塞蒂(Thornton Tomasetti)副主席,两份工作的结构工程师艾恩·M·巴西(Aine M. Brazil)说,该实验室“续集更加复杂,因为我们将所有事情都付诸实践。”

For NYCC, perhaps most significantly, the 19 lab modules were set consecutively, which added a level of fit-up difficulty. For the hospital, ironworkers set the modules a bay apart. Infill steel was stick-built.

For the lab, named the Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Research Building, NYCC and its collaborators figured their only hope for an on-time delivery was to access the air-rights site, a narrow stretch atop Manhattan’s riverside FDR Drive, from the turbulent East River. But even that was problematic. Using a derrick barge, ironworkers had to install the 50-ft-tall modules, weighing up to 788 tons each, onto columns during slack tide at night during the summer, when the drive could be shut down.

即使具有医院的先例,也“花了一个村庄”说服怀疑者采取大胆的实验室战略。首先,NYCC得到了钢铁承包商Banker Steel Co. LLC的全力支持。公司共同竞标了2015年的工作。2016年4月,银行家收购了NYCC。几个月后的2016年夏季,这些模块进入了。


另一个倡导者是学校的工作顾问,彼得·莱勒(Peter Lehrer)的前公司Lehrer McGovern Bovis Inc.是医院的建筑经理。甚至是重型海军陆战队承包商唐琼·海洋公司(Donjon Marine Co.)也是医院的老兵。

But of all of those involved, King stuck his neck out the most for the project, which the team completed on time. “We take risks every day for a living—we’re steel erectors in New York City,” he says, conceding, “I thought it was risky from a business point of view, with tugs and the barges in the East River with 5 knots at peak tide. But it was well planned and fully engineered, and, working with Donjon Marine, it was safe.”



To win the job, NYCC spent $150,000 on its bid, which is “way more” than it typically sinks into a proposal, says King.

投标包含计算,图纸和估计值。除了使用德里克驳船(Derrick Barge)的每个模块的起重计划外,该提案还将每个模块的预制计划列出在遥远的登台码,结构的预组件和拆卸计划以及将每个模块栏杆驱逐到该站点的策略。


The lab project is on time and on budget, according to Curt C. Zegler, construction executive for the at-risk construction manager, Turner Construction Co. The school is set to occupy the lab in March 2019.

King calls the lab a career highlight. That’s saying a lot, considering he worked on Manhattan’s 1,776-ft-tall One World Trade Center and currently is building One Vanderbilt, designed to be 1,464 ft tall.

There may be a sequel to the lab job. NYCC is bidding on an expansion of the Hospital for Special Surgery, not far from the lab, also over the FDR Drive. King hopes to win the new hospital job based on a riverside modular-delivery strategy.
