For years, Timothy Schenck applied himself to structural engineering. He earned degrees in physics and engineering and a masters in structures. Then he spent 13 years at two firms in New York City before setting the profession aside to earn his living as a construction photographer. In a way, the 20 years before that moment were training for his new profession.



Schenck:一家咨询公司,这是一台大型机器,您是其中一部分的设计团队中的齿轮。我的创造力没有机会像我的分析方面那样伸展。我一直在建筑师设计的信封内工作。工作是使建筑做惊人的事情 - 您可以做很多创造性的事情来使结构超级高效,或者做无视眼睛的事情 - 这很有趣 - 但您仍然在那个小信封中工作。

而且,您从事的项目的持续时间可能是数年,您新利18备用网址可能会限制很长一段时间的项目。我有一个始终有新事物的旅行。That’s kind of where I’m going with my life philosophy—to work on projects that I enjoy so I don’t feel like I’m working, and to work on projects that are a part of history, that have a legacy at the end of the day.



I know that piece of steel is going to be a column and that piece is for a gusset plate, and that is a moment frame. I know what the welder is doing, and what’s being bolted up, so I understand what’s important—and when people talk about the decisive moment in photography, I know what that moment is going to be on a jobsite, because I understand the fundamentals.






I try to tell stories with the photos about the people and the process. I combine the analytical part of the way I think with the artistic part. I try to balance it out and show the scale of the project—the massive scale of a skyscraper, yet the people are essential. It wasn’t just made in a factory and plopped down. People welded every weld, bolted every bolt.

And your equipment?


有关的:新利18备用Enr的“ 2017年建设年”幻灯片