戴维·沃德曼(David Wadman)是他在建筑行业工作的第三代家庭。他的祖父本杰明·瓦德曼(Benjamin Wadman)是木匠和建筑商。戴维(David)的父亲杰伊·瓦德曼(Jay Wadman)从美国海军的第二次世界大战服务中返回,并在成立自己的公司之前曾在犹他州的奥格登(Ogden),犹他州的奥格登(Ogden)工作。他建造房屋并从事较小的工作,最终与当地建筑师鲍勃·霍德森(Bob Hodson)合作,竞标了奥格登学区的新小学项目。

“They convinced the school board they could do it, and after that one, they did more schools. Things grew from there,” says David Wadman.

The company incorporated in 1951. After working as a jobsite laborer, an estimator and a project manager and earning a degree in construction management, David took over as president in 1982.

该公司在酒店,零售和机构市场中稳定增长,着陆工作。近年来,瓦德曼公司(Wadman Corp.新利18备用网址和杰克逊霍尔(Wyo。)机场终端更换。

2008年,瓦德曼(Wadman)搬到了他目前的首席执行官职位。瓦德曼公司(Wadman Corp.)继续在46个州工作,并将以近200名员工和约2亿美元的年收入结束2017年。

Besides growing the firm, Wadman says he has tried to build a corporate culture that values personal development and community involvement. For those efforts and in recognition of his leadership in the local building industry, Wadman is being honored as the 2017 recipient of ENR Mountain States’ Intermountain Legacy Award.

“Things my father taught me and that stand out is the importance of commitment. You do what you say you’re going to do, whether it’s written in a contract or not,” says Wadman. “The other thing was that you give back to others. If you have the opportunity to help others along the way, either financially or with service, you should do so. I think we have a culture here that gives back and invests in personal development. It is part of our business plan.”

Wadman Corp.公司关系副总裁Keith Buswell表示,这些价值观一直是该公司任务声明的一部分。

“Wadman stands as a stimulating organization with committed and passionate individuals who empower the team to achieve success for each team member and for our clients by being trusting, honest and committed to each other’s success,” Buswell says. “It doesn’t even mention that we are in the construction business. We are in the people-and-relationship business.”

Wadman Corp. President Dave Hogan, who has been with the company for 20 years and became president 10 years ago, says David Wadman impressed on him the importance of maintaining a “family feel.”


Each day at Wadman Corp. headquarters begins with a company cheer. When it is an employee’s birthday, someone in management calls that person and sings “Happy Birthday.”

Chris DeHerrera, president of the Utah chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors and a former Wadman Corp. employee, recalls an incident that happened years ago, when an employee died on the job. “David brought in a grief counselor to help all the team deal with it and heal from the tragedy,” she says.

Buswell also notes Wadman’s compassion for the people he works with. “I’ve seen Dave spend many hours assisting employees and their families when they are dealing with the death of a loved one or other times of despair and frustration,” Buswell says. “Employees know Dave will do all he can to take care of them, and they reciprocate by giving their best.”

“He can seem gruff to those who don’t know him,” says DeHerrera. “But he takes his leadership role in the company and the community to heart. During tough times at the company, it seemed like he carried the world on his shoulders, but he was always the first to ask someone else how they were doing.”

She says Wadman Corp. continually invests in the development of its people, with annual superintendent conferences, leadership training and custom employee training sessions.

沃德曼说,领导培训采取了多种形式,但经常涉及向奥格登社区推广。例如,您的社区联系(YCC)是一个非营利性社区资源中心,为受虐和受虐待的妇女和儿童提供庇护所。作为Wadman Corp.领导会议的一部分,2009年的一组员工团队在庇护所里翻新了所有11套公寓。工人在居民离开一天后的早晨到达那里,并在他们返回时完成了该项目。

今年夏天,一支由瓦德曼(Wadman)员工组成的团队参加了《循环生命》(Cycle for Cycle for Cylefor),这是囊性纤维化基金会犹他州 - 爱德荷分会的筹款自行车。该小组帮助标记了这条路线,为骑手举办了休息站,并骑了480英里,为该慈善机构筹集了超过7,000美元。

Throughout his career, Wadman has been a champion of the local Boy Scouts council, helping as a fund-raiser, and served on the boards of directors for YCC, the Catholic Community Service and Weber Pathways. He continues in his father’s footsteps, serving as a board member for American Indian Services (AIS), a non-profit that provides college scholarships to Native American students. (Buswell has served on the AIS board, too.)

瓦德曼(Wadman)的服务扩展到整个行业的志愿工作。Deherrera说,Wadman Corp.一直是犹他州ABC的长期成员,David Wadman于1995年担任董事会主席。


瓦德曼还支持教育下一代建筑专业人员,例如,在韦伯州立大学建筑管理学院创建Wadman Learning Center的建筑实验室。

“Dave doesn’t like the limelight and generally doesn’t want people to know all the good he does,” says Buswell. “Our company culture is really an extension of him.”