Global construction giant Skanska AB has named Executive Vice President Anders Danielsson, a 26-year company veteran tapped last spring to shore up the firm's U.S. operations, to be CEO, effective Jan.1.

Also now running global infrastructure work, he will succeed Johan Karlstrom,who will remain as a senior adviser until January 2019, when he will retire.

Danielsson also had been president of Skanska operations in Norway and Sweden.

安德斯·丹尼尔森(Anders Danielsson)



At a Dec. 4 conference sponsored by Credit Suisse, Investor Relations Vice President Fredrik Hakansson told investors the firm expects "a margin impact" from the U.S. civil operations through 2018 and the first half of 2019, according to the investment bank's update. He said Skanska "is focusing on early-warning systems" and "will be going through an entire risk-management process for each project it is bidding on," according to the report.

Skanskaranks at No. 17 on ENR's Top 250 Global Contractors, reporting $15.4 billion in worldwide revenue. Its U.S.-based unit also ranks at No. 7 on ENR's Top 400 Contractors list, reporting about $6 billion in 2016 U.S. revenue.

SkanskaAB shares, traded on the Stockholm exchange, are down 15% this year, although they rose 0.6% just after the announcement, according to Bloomberg.

Skanska发言人说,丹尼尔森(Danielsson)将一直是美国首席执行官,直到2018年初。该公司的董事会将在第一季度任命新的美国首席执行官。该公司没有确认理查德·卡瓦拉罗(Richard Cavallaro)是否正在重返该职位。他现在是Skanska美国民用建筑集团的总裁。

Skanska还宣布,执行副总裁Mats Williamson(也是瑞典首席执行官)将于1月1日离开。

The executive changes come amid new project issues in New York City related to a relatively small but high-profile job in lower Manhattan.


该公司在12月5日的一封信中向分包商提醒,以停止工作并立即从建筑工地退出,这是根据Pappas Post(在线网站)获得的副本。


St. Nicholas was destroyed in the 9/11 World Trade Center terror attack in 2001. The replacement church was being built at the site of the former Deutsche Bank building, which was damaged in the attack and later demolished.

The archdiocese last month announced that it is probing whether construction funding has been inappropriately used for operations.

SkanskaUSA Executive Vice President and General Manager Thomas韦伯说:“在整个记录的,最近的财务困难中,我们已经与大主教管区合作,以延长付款期限并讨论替代方案,同时又继续建造神社。停止工作是此时唯一可行的选择。”

The firm did not disclose the amount of payment it is owed or when work would restart.

圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)设计的教堂于2016年11月登上了顶峰。