作为一个关键设计顾问,最近的状态ly passed a $5.3-billion transportation package, Portland-based David Evans and Associates Inc. helps keep Oregon moving. DEA’s work for the state Dept. of Transportation includes the planned $30-million widening of Interstate 205 in the Portland area, a project so fast-paced that some consultants shied away from pursuing it.

DEA副总裁兼俄勒冈地区运输业务发展负责人迈克·贝克(Mike Baker)说:“他们认为其责任感比他们想承担的更大。”

Founded in 1976, DEA specializes in the design and management of complex transportation, land development, water resources, environmental and energy projects. The firm has 26 locations and more than 1,000 employees nationwide, helping it reap $150 million in revenue in 2016.

DEA董事长兼首席执行官Al Barkouli说:“业务现在很好。”“在过去的一年中,我们已经看到了对公共基础设施的更多投资以及住房和私营部门发展工作的反弹。”他说,随着失业率低下,这些因素“助长了很多机会”。


One of DEA’s hottest markets is transportation and transit-oriented development, strengthened by Oregon’s $5.3-billion transportation package approved in July.

In Oregon, “we are largely a transportation-focused enterprise,” Baker says. About 60% of DEA’s work in the region is in transportation planning, design and construction engineering services.


Lighting a ‘Quick Fuse’

As the prime consultant on the I-205 project, DEA’s responsibilities include preparing contract documents as well as structural, roadway and traffic engineering and water resources engineering. The project is about 10% into preliminary engineering and should break ground in 2019.

Ed Chamberland, DEA project manager for I-205, notes the project’s aggressive schedule. When the state recently passed House Bill 2017, it designated I-205 a “trigger” project, meaning it must be completed by a certain date to receive funding and for more gas taxes to be triggered to raise additional transportation dollars.

“It has a real quick fuse and has to be built by October of 2019,” says Chamberland, who is also DEA’s Oregon region roads and highways manager. “This is basically going to take a year for design and a year for construction. Normally, this would be a three- to four-year project. So the biggest challenge is the schedule being accelerated greatly.”

One of the firm’s team members is DKS Associates, which is responsible for most of the traffic engineering. Nate Schroeder, Portland design group manager for DKS and traffic engineering lead on I-205, says the rapid schedule is creating challenges in terms of coordination and getting everybody on the same page.

施罗德说:“ DEA非常有条理,积极主动,易于与之交流。”“他们不一定要向团队决定;他们以影响日程安排,预算和范围的事情来吸引我们。他们非常意识到自己的子培养者以及他们如何做出的变化将影响我们和我们做事的能力。这绝对值得赞赏。”

Stormwater at Ten Trails

DEA is also working on the $1.5-billion Ten Trails master-planned community in Black Diamond, Wash. Covering 1,200 acres, the project has an entitlement for 6,000 homes and 1.5 million sq ft of commercial buildings in addition to 500 acres of public space. The project broke ground last year and has a 15-year build-out.


Oakpointe的Colin Lund说,DEA的DEA副总裁Al Fure说,DEA,DEA,DEA也有助于克服在现场一座100年历史的桥上安装水管的挑战。发展总监。该团队用轻质混凝土包裹了不锈钢水管,该混凝土解决了重量问题并改善了结构完整性。
