The construction industry’s skilled-labor and engineering shortage continues to escalate from a perfect storm—a confluence of those who left the field and didn’t come back, those about to retire in droves, and those uninterested in joining the ranks.

The root of the industry’s labor shortage goes back to the Great Recession of late 2007 to June, 2009 when nearly two million people exited the construction industry. Many companies used the slowdown as a chance to retool, but the harsh reality is that many workers didn’t return. That, coupled with the imminent retirement of 20% of an aging construction industry workforce over the next 10 years, means the industry is facing a major workforce and skills gap.


It’s not all bad news, though: While students and young workers are not replacing the previous generation at a high rate because of their perceptions that construction work is a physical, hands-on, non-technical industry, those perceptions can be changed. By showing them what’s actually happening in the industry, they can be convinced that the construction industry is a tech-focused, engaging, and exciting place to be.

Lure of Social Impact and Gaming Technology




这也是关于“sexy” back to construction, which means bringing attractive, cutting-edge technology to the forefront. It means showing aspiring designers and engineers how those who can model and animate in 3D and work in animation, virtual reality, and augmented reality can expect to apply their skills in new, exciting, and fast-developing ways to improve the construction industry of the future.


General contractors now are becoming technology developers with many companies creating customized and scalable solutions to solve design, engineering, and manufacturing challenges. They are using cloud-based developer platforms to create rich data ecosystems on worksites, linking computer models, on-site workers, project management, and back-end record keeping. There is significant opportunity for customized programming (and programmers) to support the industry’s drive to develop new systems and software to help firms be more competitive.


Connecting With the Future Workforce



The construction industry can start building the pipeline even earlier with increased investment in STEM education. Connecting younger students with the construction industry and showing them the technology they can use on the job site and the role they can play in the built environment is an important message. Construction associations, such as the Associated Builders and Contractors and the Associated General Contractors, should continue to reach out via their student chapters. It’s a great way for them to start building mentorships that connect students with professionals.

Growth and Evolution Through Diversity





莎拉·霍奇斯(Sarah Hodges)是Autodesk的建筑业务线总监。本专栏最初以博客的形式出版Autodesk Redshift。