The introduction of a cloud-based, automatic change synchronization system for composite project models captured great attention at a Bentley Systems Year in Infrastructure conference in Singapore in early October, as attendees quickly began to discuss what new things they could accomplish with the tool.

会议与会者浸透了卓越的产品改进 - 交付,承诺或计划 - 以及成立的战略联盟;他们听到了用户存在案例研究,以展示通过实施新技术的工作流程和项目交付是如何改进的。

但是,宣布即将发布的基于云的数字工作流程和变更管理创新,称为iModelHub,它将增加动态变更管理功能和自动同步到分布式的ProjectWise Imodels,捕获了来自跨越用户的注意all sectors served by the company’s engineering software and process management tools.

Imodels于2009年推出,让Bentley的项目设计集成服务的用户从不同的创作工具和包装静态,供应商 - 不可知的内容中收集相关项目文件,以便分发到项目团队。Ann-Marie Walters(Bentley营销总监Ann-Marie Walters)送货和天然气和矿业和制造业的矿业和制造行业表示,在所有部门的使用削减了所有部门,但它们在石油和天然气部门中雇用。她说,一些EPCS每天为工作包装产生几千个模型。

Keith Bentley,公司创始人,CTO和IModelHub概念的创建者表示,新的主动同步能力是IModel 2.0的一部分,他描述为云平台和模型云服务。“imodels是将单个项目或单个资产的大量信息收集到单个文件中的一种方法。2.0世界中的一个模型是一个关系数据库以及文件。使用临时[客户]突出的模型桥,它们正在使用桥梁来更新iModel集线器,[哪个是]变化的时间表。亚模型在各地的计算机上的许多副本中的各个副本,以及云上。“


为了应对questions of how users should get ready for the new capability, chief product officer Bhupinder Singh said, "All you need to do is turn on your iModel Bridges when they become available. “We’re looking for a few people eager to get started with this at the beginning of next year,” he says.

Conference attendee Nour Kassassir, CIO of the Middle East and Africa Division of Parsons, observed that the iModelHub will help consultants “manage change” on their projects. If an engineer does “30% deliverables and then 60% deliverables, and there is a change in scope in between,” for example, he or she could use the iModelHub to “track those deltas and report back to the client” on how the changes in scope affected cost and schedule, Kassassir said. Carey Mann, Bentley Chief Marketing Officer, added that those are the kinds of things that get obscured, “that Keith Bentley referred to as ‘dark data.’ From the owner’s perspective and the project delivery team’s perspective there’s that tension about what is really happening here, and if we can shine a light on it and everybody can see the impact of change, it’s going to make it easier to collaborate.”


Bentley Alliance Partners Microsoft,Bureau Veritas,Siemens和Topcon定位集团所有宣布扩大了软件供应商的举措。Bentley正在利用Microsoft Azure Cloud Server的全球系统作为其数字计划的平台,它引用了私人和公共云选项的可用性作为帮助它满足各种客户需求的重要选项之一。首席执行官Greg Bentley在他的开幕词中指出,Azure刚刚在新加坡开设了一个数据中心,其技术上创新和雄心勃勃的政府支持的驱动器支持基础设施发展,但对其数据的存储位置有严格的限制。供应商与Microsoft合作有助于它为这些要求和需求提供服务。

Bentley Systems和Topcon定位集团宣布他们正在进入其联盟的第二阶段,以实现桥梁设计和场地施工。首席执行官Greg Bentley称为工程,测量和施工的“建设数字工作流程”,而不是从一个到另一个人交给的步骤。

首先,Bentley描述,Topcon无人机车辆捕获施工现场的数字背景,并使用和云服务,将现实网格带入Bentley OpenToads或OpenRail工具进行设计开发。新利18备用然后,设计返回到重型民用建筑的机器控制设备,然后从定位设备的记录再次回到所有者的资产管理工具中。

Topcon Ceo Ray O'Conner表示,从毛毛虫到小松到John Deere的主要设备制造商沃尔沃正在将自动化系统集成到其机器中。“我们正在看到指数增长,”他说,“和曾经花费约10万美元的系统的价格点迅速下降。”但如果我们没有得到工程方面和施工方一起校准,我们就不会解决整个工作流问题,他补充说,这就是为什么Bentley和Topcon正在合作“解决整个过程”。

Eric Law,Bentley的建筑产品管理高级总监,解释说,合作伙伴关系的第一年是关于让“一起工作的工具”。随着在Yii的积极发射,合作伙伴在澳大利亚有两个试点项目“准备好了,可能是对它感兴趣的又一个有兴趣的人”。新利18备用网址

Dustin Parkman, vice president of product development for Bentley’s road, rail and site product division, added, “What we’ve done is to integrate our two cloud platforms,” Bentley’s design platform with ProjectWise and Topcon’s Magnet Enterprise cloud for jobsite communications and management. Magnet manages deliverables, fleet, final surveys, stakeouts as well as all of the machine activities such as grading, paving and piling. “The clouds enable us to seamlessly exchange information in a managed workflow,” Parkman said. He added that with iModels, all the details can be delivered as digital-managed data from OpenRoads or OpenRail directly to the superintendent—bypassing any paper workflow. “The benefit is improved accuracy, saving time, saving iterations and at the end of the day saving cost to the owner,” Parkman pointed out.

To educate the audience, Bentley and Topcon are launching a “constructioneering academy,” where they will set up a full day of drone and equipment operations at Topcon’s facility in Livermore, Calif., and at a facility in Australia, where users can come and fly the drones, capture and process the data, do some design work, send those designs out to the equipment and watch the equipment move dirt.

另一个联盟合作伙伴,西门子全球信息技术负责人Helmuth Ludwig讨论了他的公司如何与Bentley联合投资于将他们的产品组合带到“移动,建筑技术,工艺产业和力量和燃气”中的“移动性,建筑技术,工艺产业和力量和天然气”的产品组合中共同投资行业。Greg Bentley“创造了一个术语,即我喜欢的工业化基础设施 - 以描述为行业的巨大生产力提高进入基础设施建设,”Ludwig说。

It is being enabled by several technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality and 3D printing all hitting a tipping point at the same time. “And this allows for not just optimizing the design process of a product, or the manufacturing process, but also how a product system is used in a completely integrated fashion. We go through all the steps from product design to service—and then go backward and integrate this with a digital twin,” he added.

