
“每个人都来自与美国基础设施破旧的同一职位,需求约为4.5万亿美元,” Fluor Corp.业务发展副总裁Terence Easton说,该公司正在开展许多大型项目,例如39亿美元新利18备用网址桥梁和马里兰州的56亿美元紫色线路运输项目。“美联储说的很多 - 2000亿美元的投资,减少许可证时间,扩大了蒂菲亚。我们同意那些事情。但是该行动正在州和地方一级发生。”

相关总承包商高速公路和运输高级总监Brian Deery指出,过去的两项高速公路账单强调了货运网络,并促进了高速公路,港口和铁路之间的多模式项目,例如1亿美元的Gerald Desmond替换桥,位于长滩,加利福尼亚州长滩,加利福尼亚州。新利18备用网址. “There’s going to be a lot of these projects,” he says.

ENR 2017 Top 400 Contractors
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Three of the overall largest transportation projects involve terminal work at the LaGuardia, Los Angeles and Orlando airports.

机会增加了现有的挑战,即招募新的人才,包括熟练的劳动力。“The shortage of qualified field labor is by far the biggest challenge we’re facing,” says Jim Schneiderman, district manager with PCL Civil Constructors Inc., which is rehabilitating or rebuilding a number of critical bridges, including the $246-million Bonner Bridge, in North Carolina. “Competition for qualified labor is fierce, and we are finding ourselves having to increase wage rates and/or offer per diems just to attract qualified labor. It is a challenge on literally every single one of our transportation projects.”

Suffolk’s CEO John Fish and others are emphasizing technology trends, such as drones and virtual reality, to attract new talent and maximize efficiency on projects. “We’re trying to take the tools that are out there and leverage them to ‘build smart,’ ” says Roddy Boggus, executive vice president for aviation with Suffolk, noting that the firm is hoping to “spread its wings” in the aviation space beyond Boston. The company has built a 10,000-sq-ft virtual-reality lab and hosted a virtual groundbreaking on a project last year.

Further, the industry is figuring out how to anticipate technology’s impacts on rebuilt or new infrastructure, notes John Couture, VP of Business Development of Flatiron Construction Co. He adds, “That includes building for factors like lower-energy costs and the advent of automated vehicles.”


替代项目交付方法继续成熟。“十到15年前,设计建造在州一级更多。现在,我们看到当地的市政当局也接受了它。” Diciurcio说。
