Jake Appelman
Jake Appelman

随着婴儿潮一代继续大量退休,许多人将其公司的领导层留给下一代。More than 50% of engineering and construction firms are expected to change ownership in the next 10 to 12 years, according to a recent study by industry consultant FMI. However, with rampant talent shortages across the industry, firms must both acquire and develop talent while transferring ownership to a new generation, the study says.


  • Fewer firms have family members active in their businesses today than in 2013 (45% in 2017 versus 73% in 2013, according to theFMI survey)。Even fewer say the next generation will own and run the business in the future (32% in 2017 versus 52% in 2013).
  • In 2013, 17% of respondents planned on a third-party sale. In 2017 that number has declined to 8%. Conversely, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), have gained in favor among respondents, increasing from 4% to 12% from 2013 to 2017, respectively.
  • Firms with a clear strategy for the future are more likely to have a formal ownership transfer-and-succession management plan in place.
  • 年代uccessions in the engineering and construction (E&C) industry require embracing nontraditional development plans and cultural shifts.
  • 不到一半(44%)的调查参与者表示,当前领导人对自己的继承负责。

The survey also revealed that many next-generation leaders (47% of identified successors) are unprepared to lead the business for another three to five years. Worse still, options are dwindling for baby boomers who have delayed their transition planning. That’s due to the amount of time needed for effective ownership and leadership transition.

Winning the War for Talent

斯科特·邓肯(Scott Duncan)
斯科特·邓肯(Scott Duncan)

For successions to be effective, companies must prepare leaders years in advance. The problem is that most E&C firms have not planned or are unaware of the work that goes into an effective transition.

The older model of “throwing” people into situations and hoping they steer their own leadership development doesn’t work. Companies that take this approach in the absence of a professional process for talent development will be at a significant disadvantage. The problem is particularly acute in a market like the current one, where a major war for talent is underway.

For most owners, no simple solution exists for ownership transfer and leadership succession. Like a game of chess, it involves many moving parts—for example, equity transfer, shifting risk to the next generation from the principal owner, growing the business while funding the transition—and demands highly focused concentration to navigate. Even the best plans must be continually reevaluated and adjusted.

Progressive leaders recognize the complexity of the challenge. It’s not simply a financial or tax problem, an organizational or family problem, or a bonding or banking problem. It’s a combination of these. Each entity is different, and all the puzzle pieces must fit. Further, finding the right combination for success varies greatly, depending upon the nuances, traits and goals of an organization’s current and future owners.

Creating a Continuity Mind-Set

Effective leaders who understand continuity often must make hard, unpopular choices. The winning formula for an effective succession demands courage, humility and a long-term focus. A proactive approach will help to ensure that the right people are ready at the right time to enter leadership roles and become future owners. The key is to have the best talent in the most strategic positions—and the bench strength to fill crucial roles when the time comes.


Many firms have met this challenge head-on, while others continue to defer the issue to later years. But for those who wait, the complexity of ownership transfer and leadership succession will only increase with time.


  1. 提早开始。所有权转让可能需要长达十年或更长时间,这通常比大多数所有者预期的要长。
  2. 了解您的选择。了解可用选项很重要。ESOP适合您的业务资料吗?第三方销售是可行的吗?内部转移需要多长时间?
  3. Focus on talent. Ownership transfer options are entirely dependent on the talent within an organization. A proactive approach to recruiting and retaining talent improves a company’s odds of a successful transition.
  4. 把事情简单化。尽管有多种转让所有权的方法,但最简单的计划通常是最成功的。清楚,简洁地向新业主解释转移过程的能力至关重要,并且经常被忽略。
  5. 不要失去明显的轨道。每个过渡计划都取决于业务的未来利润。保持关注企业的持续盈利能力是任何所有权转让的必要组成部分。

    杰克·阿佩尔曼(Jake Appelman)是FMI的校长,也是该公司战略领导中心的一部分。接触:jappelman@fminet.com

    斯科特·邓肯(Scott Duncan)是FMI Capital Advisors Inc.的董事总经理。联系人:sduncan@fminet.com