General contractor Jordan Foster Construction will break ground on a $60 million reconstruction project next month on SH 130 to fix pavement problems and improve ride quality along the 41-mile roadway.

SH 130特许公司的首席执行官Andy Bailey指出:“我们一直在道路上看到大道,表面上有一些相当重大的破裂。”六月从破产中出现

之前的维修没有拿,所以去年有限公司mpany hired a geotech firm, Rone Engineering Services Ltd. of Dallas, to do extensive borings along the roadway to see exactly what was causing the issues, Bailey explains.

Rone’s consultants discovered two issues: one was the presence of deep-seated expansive clays, which are causing swelling and cracking along the roadway surface, and the second was the presence of crystal-forming chemicals in the soil such as sulfur, lime and others, which are causing bumps in parts of the roadway.

贝利说,修理将在主线和正面道路上的38个地点进行,占SH 130总道路区域的不到5%。


“When we emerged from bankruptcy, the new owners obtained a credit facility for us of $260 million. Over $60 million of that credit facility was dedicated to fixing the road, so the money is all coming from the company and its creditors, there’s no public money involved at all in this reconstruction effort,” Bailey says.

The southern section of SH 130 opened in late 2012. Under the original design-build contract, the original contractor was responsible for soil analysis, design and construction of the roadway, but it’s unclear why these issues are now presenting themselves just five years after construction.

Under the repair and reconstruction plan reviewed and approved by the Texas Dept. of Transportation, the contractor will remove 4-8 ft of underlying soils in the most severely impacted areas, replacing it with moisture treated subgrade that will act as a cushion and will keep the pavement from heaving before repaving the road. Meanwhile, in areas that have been less impacted to date but are still considered at risk for future problems, the contractor will install moisture membranes along the edge of the pavement to move moisture away from the roadway.

SH 130 chose a modified project delivery for this repair job, Bailey explains.

“We designed it, and we brought in a consultant to do the geotech and someone to do the civil engineering, but last June, we started reaching out to the construction community around central Texas to identify 10-15 contractors to come and look at our work and talk to us about how we put out the contract,” he says.

After SH 130 Concession Co. emerged from bankruptcy at the end of June, the firm put out the contract with full design in hand, and “rather than doing a low bid, we did a modified best value, because we have a very strong sense of urgency, quality and safety that’s driving us,” Bailey says.

在与承包商的讨论中,SH 130团队邀请他们追求和提出替代方案,讨论替代技术概念,并为前三名承包商提供了提出最终建议的机会。通过该过程选择了乔丹·福斯特(Jordan Foster)。

“It was a little different than a typical highway department design-bid-build or even a design-build,” Bailey says.

Documents were all signed on Friday, and preconstruction efforts are moving forward. The contractor will be leasing property along the roadway to set up areas where soil treatment can take place, Bailey says.

Work is anticipated to take 12 months, with substantial completion toward the middle or end of October 2018.