In response to devastating floods in the past few weeks from Hurricanes Harvey and Irene in Texas, Louisiana and many areas in the Southeast, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ library has assembled a set of papers and publications that highlight post-flood response and the risks posed by flooding in urban areas, making them free and publicly available to non-members until Dec. 31, 2017.

ASCE董事总经理兼出版商Bruce Gossett说,那些希望在上访问这些文档的人需要注册为ASCE库的用户并提供电子邮件地址和密码。


还包括一项有关休斯顿 - 加尔维斯顿地区新利18备用假设飓风的经济损失的研究,以及2015年对德克萨斯州洪水死亡的分析。