Peek inside a GE Johnson construction site and you’ll see workers wearing hard hats in blue, white and green. But mainly you’ll see them in gray—the color awarded to people who have worked for the company for at least five years. You will also see shiny white stickers that denote the number of years of employment. It’s not uncommon for them to reach into the high 20s and 30s.

因此,与员工和客户的忠诚度闻名的员工拥有的总承包商也是如此。(各种GE Johnson官员估计,该公司业务的85%至90%来自回头客。)Mario Elliott是一名职业生涯的员工,经营GE Johnson的设备部门,可能是典型的。他十几岁的时候就从公司开始,当时他是一名暑期劳动者,并在36年的时间里升至目前的职位。

“It’s rare to find someone who isn’t incredibly proud to work here,” Elliott says, adding that even retirees still refer to the company “as ‘us’ and not ‘they.’” He says the company’s promote-from-within culture is “amazing” and points to two sources: CEO Jim Johnson and his father, Gil Johnson, who founded the firm in 1967.

“It started with Gil Johnson, setting the GE Johnson culture to be an honorable person, not just to your projects but also to the community,” Elliott says. “Jim Johnson kept that culture when Gil passed away (in 2000) and never skipped a beat …. We’re treated not as numbers, but as people.”

作为证据,埃利奥特(Elliott)指出,吉姆·约翰逊(Jim Johnson)在公司的大部分职业生涯中都在公司工作,他知道GE Johnson设备和培训设施中几乎所有机械师的名字,距离公司位于科罗拉多斯普林斯(Colorado Springs)的总部10英里。该公司还在科罗拉多州丹佛和韦尔设有办事处;怀俄明州卡斯珀和杰克逊;和俄克拉荷马城。

For his part, Johnson says, “I enjoy people. Everybody plays a vital role here. Just because I have a different title makes me no more important or of greater value to the company than a laborer or a truck driver, and I want them to feel that way.

“And hopefully that translates into loyalty and they understand that it’s not just a job. You can work anywhere, but I just want you to know that somebody here cares about you, somebody here knows your name, and hopefully that empowers you to do your job better,” he says.

Family History

Doing the job has been a Johnson family tradition for decades. Even before Gil Johnson founded the company 50 years ago, his father and uncle owned Johnson Brothers Building in Salina, Kan. In tracing the family’s construction history for GE Johnson’s 50th anniversary celebration this summer, Jim Johnson discovered the lineage extends to his own great-grandfather and that his 28-year-old son, Jared, who also works for the company, represents the sixth generation of Johnsons to wield a hammer.

GE Johnson began as a family firm and stayed that way until 2002. Following Gil Johnson’s death, Jim made the contractor a wholly employee-owned company. Along with a subsidiary, H.W. Houston Construction of Pueblo, Colo., and a joint venture, Schmueser Associates Inc., in the town of Rifle, Colo., GE Johnson Construction is now part of a larger firm known as GE Johnson Holding Co.

Whatever its structure and ownership, the firm has been marked by consistent growth. GE Johnson now numbers nearly 700 employees and operates throughout much of the Western and Midwestern U.S. It ranks fourth on ENR Mountain States’ current list of contractors in Colorado and Wyoming, with regional 2016 revenue of $447.4 million.

The firm also is known for its diverse, high-profile work in vertical building. Just underway is the U.S. Olympic Museum, an avant-garde structure in Colorado Springs that will house artifacts and interactive exhibits from both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Also under construction, in Frederick, Colo., is a new pharmaceutical manufacturing facility for Agilent. Going up in Denver is The Quincy, a 28-story, residential and retail project for Shea Properties that will be the tallest building GE Johnson has ever built.

目前的其他努力包括丹佛的19层公寓和零售项目的科罗拉多州;科罗拉多斯普林斯北部的UCHealth Memorial Hospital的扩张和翻新;在科罗拉多斯普林斯同一个校园的同时项目,以建造科罗拉多州儿童医院;还有村庄为黄石俱乐部(黄石俱乐部)增加了住宅和便利设施,这是蒙大拿州大天空的私人度假胜地。

One project, completed three-and-a-half years ago, still causes GE Johnson’s workers to reminisce. The company undertook a complete renovation of Colorado Springs’ renowned Broadmoor Hotel, with a hard completion deadline of 27 weeks. Anticipating an on-time finish, the hotel’s management sold out its rooms for a convention set for the day after scheduled completion.

高级校长蒂姆·雷德弗恩(Tim Redfern)回忆说:“没有成功的空间。”GE Johnson开始拆除家具,因为客人仍在2013年万圣节签出,并开始了为期六个月的24小时轮班马拉松比赛。最后,这家酒店被放回原处,准备好在2014年5月举行的大会前两天接待客人。


这样的项目新利18备用网址需要密切协作,和Redfern, a 31-year veteran of the company, points to GE Johnson’s use of technology as a critical driver. Powered largely by software from Autodesk and Navis, integrated work plans guide construction from start to finish, even performing computations so workers no longer need to calculate the volume of concrete for a job. Redfern calls the integrated work plans, which also sequence plumbing, electrical and other specialty work, a “huge benefit.”

“We’re more of a team member. We want to be more than just a contractor.”

– Jim Johnson, CEO, GE Johnson Construction

The technology behind it all is the domain of GE Johnson’s integrated services department, which includes the systems integration and preconstruction groups. Led by Steve Eikanger, the department provides a forum for teamwork among GE Johnson employees, project owners, designers and subcontractors. In addition to its heavy use of building information modeling software to render designs and set the batting order for construction, Eikanger’s group even owns four sets of virtual reality goggles; they allow owners and others to take a simulated 3D walk-through of renderings via the big screen in the company conference room.

艾坎格(Eikanger)说,分包商特别感谢GE Johnson的技术工具提供的可靠性。艾坎格说:“我们使用很多分包商,我们一遍又一遍地使用很多人。”新利18备用网址“我从他们那里听到的是,‘您使用技术的方式,帮助我们协调我们的项目的方式,使我们在那里工作时提高了效率,这就是为什么我们想为您工作。’”新利18备用网址

GE Johnson’s efficient use of subcontractors captured the attention of Dan Robbins, facilities manager for Agilent in Colorado. He is overseeing construction of his company’s 132,000-sq-ft plant on a 20-acre campus in Frederick, 15 miles north of Denver. Robbins also gives high marks to GE Johnson’s preconstruction services and safety experts on the job. Agilent selected GE Johnson from among four competing firms, and Robbins says, “We certainly made the right choice.”

Shea Properties, meanwhile, has been using GE Johnson for more than 20 years. Peter Culshaw, executive vice president at Shea, describes The Quincy, GE Johnson’s current Shea Properties’ project, as “very exciting,” and says his company “couldn’t be happier” with the long relationship.

Back in Colorado Springs, Johnson believes that collaboration, both with clients and industry trade partners, is where the contracting industry is headed.

“It’s going to take teams, not one member of a team,” Johnson says. “But I think we’re very well positioned for that, because that’s how we try to approach everything. We’re more of a team member. We want to be more than just a contractor.”