
AlabamaAmerica’s First Federal Credit Union is planning to build a four-story, 45,000-sq-ft添加to its corporate headquarters in Birmingham. Williams Blackstock Architects is the designer, and the addition is valued at $19 million. Brasfield & Gorrie has been selected as the general contractor.America’s First Federal Credit Union, 1200 Fourth Ave. N., Birmingham, 35203. DR#17-00671163.

DelawareIngerman集团已开始将前莱顿的家转换为威尔明顿的老年人Pearl Veterans Homeless Shelter。这座四层楼的48,000平方英尺的建筑将转换为51套公寓,10个办公室和社区团体会议室。所有者是特拉华州无家可归者中心。设计师是建筑联盟,该项目的价值为1000万美元。The Ingerman Group, Attn: Edward Coupe, Project Manager, 5 Powell Lane, Collingswood, N.J. 08108. DR#16-00429145.

MinnesotaSherman Associates计划建立Fridley Northstar Station East apartmentsin Fridley. The three-story, 169,717-sq-ft building will contain 90 units and 120 parking spaces. The designer is Kaas Wilson Architects. The project is valued at between $10 million and $15 million.Sherman Associates, 233 Park Ave., Minneapolis, 55415. DR#17-00666672.

OhioTreplus社区正计划建设Morehead Farms Senior Apartments三部曲健康护理设施在皮克林顿。该综合大楼将包括108个高级公寓单元,以及带有103张床的88,000平方英尺的护理设施。该项目的价值在1500万至2500万美元之间。Treplus Communities, 1515 Lake Shore Drive, Columbus, 43204. DR#16-00683003.

俄勒冈州俄勒冈州公园与休闲部计划将一条废弃的铁路线转换为Salmonberry Trail。The 86-mile-long trail will extend from the town of Banks west to the city of Tillamook on the coast. The rail line was destroyed by a series of rainstorms in 2007. Parametrix, Inc. is doing the engineering work. The project is valued at between $10 million and $50 million.俄勒冈州公园与娱乐部,ATTN:玛吉·贝克尔(Margie Becker),725 Summer St. N.E.,Salem,97301。Dr#17-00627959。

德克萨斯州ExxonMobil and SABIC Americas are planning to build the world’s largestethylene cracker plant在波特兰附近。该工厂将能够每年生产180万吨乙烯。它的输出将喂养产生单乙二醇和聚乙烯的植物,这些乙二醇用于制造用于服装,瓶子和建筑材料的聚酯。在2986号农场到市场路2986号和美国高速公路181的交汇处的1,300英亩土地具有深水通道,管道和铁路基础设施。现场准备工作可能在2017年秋季进行,该工厂可以在2021年恢复运营。估计的建筑成本为100亿美元。Exxon Co USA,4545 Fuller Drive,Irving,75038。DR#17-00508898。


缅因州Cianbro Corp.已开始在Kittery的Portsmouth Naval Shipyard进行结构维修项目。该项目需要维修或现代化1,263英尺的桩支持open-wharf structures,最初建于1943年,目的是恢复沿着海滨的门户起重机系统的负载能力。这项工作包括拆除和处置现有的木材能力系统;挖泥;提供钢板和岩石插入的王桩,配有混凝土快门面板隔板和岩石锚定的绑带系统;通过舱壁扩展风暴驱动的排放管;并通过现有的码头甲板提供驱动的钢H-Piles(支撑桩),以增强现有的起重机横梁。该项目的价值为2880万美元。Cianbro Corp., One Hunnewell Square, Pittsfield, 04967. DR#16-00561573.

UtahOkland Construction has started building the总部大楼对于列希(Lehi)的年轻活着的精油。这座五层楼的263,00平方英尺的结构钢板建筑位于27英亩的遗址上,有3.6英亩的示范花园。设计师是Scholz&Associates,该项目的价值在2500万至5000万美元之间。Okland Construction,1978年,西南神庙,盐湖城,84115。DR#17-00655924。


Illinois 8/10Adlai E.史蒂文森高中District 125 is seeking subcontractor bidders to carry out the expansion to theAdlai E.史蒂文森高中in Lincolnshire. The project entails constructing a three-story, 60,000-sq-ft addition to the east school building. The project has been designed by Wight & Co., and Gilbane Building Co. is the agency construction manager. The project is valued at $28 million.Adlai E. Stevenson高中125,林肯郡史蒂文森大道两家,60069。DR#17-00615828。

Florida 8/30The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking bidders to carry out the普拉塔洪水控制多拉多桥通道project. The work includes the construction of a boat ramp, recreation berm, approximately 1,017 meters of channel excavation, approximately 910 m of levee construction with temporary opening and seepage filters, electrical line replacement, stone protection and scour protection (armoring) under Dorado Bridge. The project is valued at $25 million.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Attn: Clarence Dingle, 701 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville, 32207. DR#17-00703637.
