Whether he was employed in the public or private sector, Carl Sciple drew on lessons learned in nearly a quarter century as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Before working as an engineer and in management positions on the federal and state levels, the West Point graduate, who served two tours in Vietnam, encouraged soldiers to make their own decisions.

“That’s dangerous, some would say, because if you encourage a person to use initiative, they might make a bad decision,” said Sciple while accepting the 2016 ENR New England Legacy Award on Dec. 8 in Boston. “But you know something, nine times out of 10, they make a great decision, and it’s worth giving them the confidence to take a chance to do something.”

The 77-year-old leader regularly offered such advice to his colleagues until he retired in December from MOCA Systems. Working out of the firm’s Boston-area office, he served as Northeast director for the design and construction software development firm. Previously, Sciple had spent 23 years working for the Massachusetts Port Authority and taught construction management at Wentworth Institute of Technology.

He mentored dozens of young professionals and is a lifelong member and past president of the Society of American Military Engineers Boston Post. He has served on the Harvard Historical Society and the Wetlands Protection Committee in Wellesley, Mass. He also is past chair of the Construction Manager Certification Institute. Sciple recently stepped down from the board of the Construction Management Association of America’s New England Chapter; he helped found the group in 1995 and served as its president. The chapter honored him with several awards, including its Distinguished Service Award in 2008 and 2012.

Current CMAA New England President Kay Barned-Smith says Sciple is “encouraging, supportive of his teammates and his staff and always full of helpful information.”



“It was totally different,” Sciple says of attending UC Berkeley as a military officer during the Vietnam War. “I loved my time there, and the students were totally respectful.” Sporting a military crewcut, Sciple says he teased his classmates about having long hair. “I said, ‘I’m the only one here doing my own thing.’”

研究生院之后,Sciple被部署到越南nam. In 1967, he was the company commander for a unit erecting a “float bridge” across a river in a remote jungle in hostile territory. Sciple’s team flew in the 150-ft-long bridge and had to quickly prepare the river banks and assemble the bridge so that an infantry convoy could cross the river. The convoy included armored personnel carriers containing .50-caliber machine guns.



When the project won the 1984 Presidential Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, Engineering and Urban Planning, Sciple was invited to the White House to accept the award. White House officials balked when Sciple suggested it was more appropriate to invite the chief of construction in his place. He asked his predecessor, General Ernie Edgar, to attend and was told he should take the credit since he would be blamed if the dam failed. “I went down and I received the award, even though I really wasn’t the person on the front line on that job,” he says.

但是,Sciple负责在军团管理600多人,并从事工厂和民用工程项目(例如Cape Cod Canal)。新利18备用网址这条运河是在他负责监督它之前建造的,但是,有两个高速公路桥和一个铁路桥梁,这条运河是维护的“挑战”。Sciple确保了桥梁的钢铁状况良好并被涂漆。


Sciple left the Corps in 1985 to work for Massport and ultimately served as the deputy director of the capital programs department. Massport oversees Logan International Airport, from which the planes departed that crashed into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Sciple called 9/11 “a gut check,” but says he’s proud to have helped Logan become the first major U.S. airport to meet the post-9/11 federally mandated deadline for baggage-screening protocols.

到2002年底,Massport已实施了一个新的行李筛查系统,包括增强和扩大的行李处理室,并带有用于爆炸物检测系统的空间。Sciple表示,当时许多机场使用削减公共场所的Make Shift解决方案遵守了联邦授权,但是Massport的1.46亿美元项目在没有侵犯客运区的情况下实现了“枪支”的目标。

“我们不仅检查个别乘客有限公司mpletely and baggage completely, but we also had to fortify the terminals so that cars couldn’t just drive up and into them,” Sciple says. “There’s subtle protection means that have been incorporated around the terminals and around public facilities so cars and trucks can’t get into them.”

Sciple is also proud to have facilitated Logan’s modernization initiative, a multi-year, $1-billion planning, design and construction program to upgrade terminals, roadways, fueling systems, central cooling and heating plants and electrical substations. “It was a fascinating, complex job on a site that always had to be in operation,” he says.

Sciple also began teaching as an adjunct professor at Wentworth School of Technology in Boston in the early 2000s. After leaving Massport in 2008, he helped develop the school’s first master’s degree program in construction management. Mark Hasso, a Wentworth professor of construction management who won the 2015 ENR New England Legacy Award, says Sciple is one of the “most visible proponents” for the industry who helped establish its “principles and practices. Carl is clearly a professional, mentor, teacher and colleague and he is viewed by his peers as an outstanding leader.”

After leaving Wentworth, Sciple worked for several private-sector firms, including MOCA Systems, where he spent four years. “He treats everyone with respect,” says MOCA President Sandy Hamby. “He is the true definition of an officer and a gentleman.”

