马萨诸塞州运输部已有awarded一份价值1.5美元的合同向conduc Arup USA inc .)t a feasibility study of Boston's North-South Rail Link, a proposed project to build a tunnel that would connect the city's two main rail hubs: North and South stations.


On its website, a group called Citizens for North South Rail Project says the disconnected system as it stands today is a "hodgepodge of 19th-century rail lines" that has created what is essentially two separate commuter rail systems on the north and south sides of the city. "They are disconnected from each other, and neither connects fully to our subway system," the group says. "The result is a fragmented region in which workers and employers cannot access each other efficiently, where highway congestion is severe, and economic opportunity is very unequally distributed.


南北铁路链路可行性可重新评估,于6月30日由Massdot的交通运输计划办公室授予ARUP,“将更新有关拟议的北站和南站的铁路隧道的先前研究,并确定是否保证了进一步的技术和财务分析,”新利18备用马萨诸塞州湾运输局的通讯总监Joe Pesaturo说。

According to a report in the Boston Business Journal, the goal of the study will be to estimate the projects cost. Pesaturo says the study is to be completed by Spring 2018. A 1995 draft environmental-impact report on the project was shelved in 2003 during Gov. Mitt Romney's administration.

ARUP项目总监Jeff Tubbs在一份声明中,“我们很高兴将Arup的全球专业知识应用于该项目。通过有效地交付绿线扩展,我们了解了Massdot和MBTA的优先事项和政策,以及波士顿都会区社区的担忧。我们期待将其与我们的深入计划和工程经验相结合,以评估南北铁路的有效解决方案。”

Anthony Bruzzone, who will serve as Arup’s project manager, says in the statement, “The knowledge gained from our work on the Green Line Extension in Boston and our recent planning and tunnel experience in San Francisco and Los Angeles gives us great insight into this very similar project. While significant challenges exist to implementation, understanding these challenges, as well as the project's costs and benefits, are essential to inform MassDOT's decisions on next steps.”

The firm's rail work includes the Second Avenue Subway in New York City, the Transbay Transit Center in San Francisco and the Thameslink and Crossrail projects in London.

This story was updated with new information on July 25