5月24日,多达170,000名魁北克建筑工人离开了工作,停止了在圣劳伦斯(St. Lawrence),蒙特利尔(Montreal)和其他大型项目的新尚普兰桥(Champlain Bridge)上的工作。新利18备用网址尽管工人勉强返回5月31日的工作,但该省通过了重新立法后,联邦基础设施官员现在说,尚普兰的工作停止是否会进一步推迟SNC-Lavalin集团领导的建筑合资企业还为时过早从2018年12月1日开会完成期限。这座耗资43亿美元的替代桥已经面临着潜在的为期三个月的延迟,即在旧尚普兰桥上施加的材料的严格负载限制。

“It is too early to say what, if any, potential impact might be related to that strike. We are analyzing the situation,” said a spokeswoman for the joint venture in an email. The joint venture faces fines of $300,000 a day if it misses the 2018 deadline, with a three-month delay possibly costing $27 million, says a recent National Bank analysis. The joint venture has filed a $93-million suit against the federal government, arguing it was not given critical information on the load restrictions in a timely manner.

Unions for the provincial workers, who had been without a contract since April 30, sought schedule and benefits changes.

