
自从阳光天线以来,授予佛罗里达州最高的签名桥梁项目之一的合同的过程似乎是在Express Lane返回到以前的州法院。新利18备用网址基本的冲突是控制佛罗里达州运输部与迈阿密对手之间的项目的控制权,每个人都对计划和团队的选择方式都有自己的看法。



设计s shared with the public by FDOT那一年比较了桥超结构的成本,以无限拱门的形式(7.4亿美元),叉骨形拱门(6.73亿美元)和分段混凝土盒(5.59亿美元)进行了比较。当前项目的成本约为8亿美元。


从我的规避风险的角度来看,竞争工程师和承包商的时间和精力的投资也可能已提交给州的强力球彩票, instead of the FDOT, except that in design and heavy construction the payout is modest.


争议的本质是,在与社区团体诉讼有关为I-395替换桥和相关建筑选择获胜团队的标准(根据国家的P3)之后,FDOT同意对Aestshetics的重视程度更大选择一个建议。Elected officials and community members in Miami claim that FDOT then undercut its promise—“put its thumb on the scale” is one way it has been phrased—to get the project it wanted from the scoring conducted by the technical and aesthetic review committees.结果是:Archer Western和Demoya集团合资企业的Fluor,Astaldi和MCM的合资企业为0.533的胜利。第三队得分要低得多。



Working on the story around the Memorial Day weekend, I'm still waiting for interviews and more data about exactly how the scoring plan was revised. According to the scoring documents provided to ENR by FDOT, the maximum total number of points the three competing teams could score is 90. An initial technical evaluation included criteria such as construction method and design-build value added and contained 60 possible points maximum. A second round of technical evaluation contains items such as “signature span,” lighting, and additional value, for another possible 30 points. A separate aesthetics review committee awarded another possible 30 points to each competitor.


不像其社论指法FDOT的“塔拉哈西bureaucrats” for going back on their word, the Miami Herald alsohad an evenhanded accountpointing out the critical differences between the two top-ranked proposals:



“ Archer Western计划在迈阿密河以西的836号公路和I-95号到重建395的I-95之间,其工程师争辩说,它将消除新高速公路上的交通备份,并允许他们在四年内完成该项目, a year ahead of FDOT’s five-year deadline and its competitors’ schedules. The speedier schedule is possible because most of that viaduct construction would take place outside of existing lanes of traffic, which also reduces the impact on expressway users, said Robert Linares, an engineer on the team.”

And here’s what the Herald says about the competing plan, the one that lost by a nose:

“ Fluor-Astaldi管理高速公路东端的政变(地图上的第5号)。它的计划提供了一个新的3英亩公园,将博物馆公园及其Metromover车站连接到ARSHT(一个文化中心),这是计划者的目标。”

“That’s made possible by extending its cable-suspended signature bridge toward the east, eliminating a massive, existing support embankment and moving a roadway that now connects northbound Biscayne Boulevard to the MacArthur Causeway to the north side of the new bridge, said the team’s urban designer, Bernard Zyscovich. The park also allows direct access to the bay and a potential landing spot for a promised rail link to Miami Beach.”



这个项目的争取控制其lves accusations that rules were changed and manipulated. I’ll wait to find out what happened and how to interpret it, but in the meantime, someone ought to thank the five-member technical review and the four-member aesthetic review committees for scoring the projects. The cone-of-silence rules observed in this and other procurements, where committee members are cut off during the final part of the selection process from proposals and proponents, is a needed and appropriate method of keeping away pressure groups and influence peddlers, including politicians and corporations.

All I can say is that no matter which highway and bridge plan finally wins, it will give all the interested parties, including the drivers and taxpayers in Florida, a vast improvement. The saddest thing will be if a procurement process is found to have been undermined, as the Herald charges, or is scuttled by unsupported accusations.

从一个全新的采购过程开始可能是一个好主意 - 授予迈阿密戴德县下水道计划管理合同需要大修。但是开始可能会延迟多年的桥梁和高速公路工作,剥夺佛罗里达人的利益,同时可能使竞争对手付出更多的损失

