英雄的对立面并不总是反派。英雄的对立面可以是旁观者。大众排放丑闻,高田安全气囊启示和Flint water crisis- 本周卓越封面奖的主题 - 没有发生,因为一位邪恶的演员着手造成伤害。这些事件发生了,因为太多的人在知道做出错误的决定时就旁边,没有发言。

Some may have not realized that their decisions and inactions would cause harm. In a 2010 study, the American Society of Engineering Education found a majority of surveyed engineers didn’t recognize that their daily decision-making is an ethical act.

这样的决定不一定是黑白的。不道德的行为并不像赚钱或不用明确定义的Quid Quo赚钱那么明确。通常,它是在灰色区域,跳过了最后一个项目演出,因为其他所有人都很好或签署了决定,因为尽管您怀疑,但其他所有人都认为这是一个好主意。随着弗林特危机的展开,美国环境保护署科学家米格尔·德尔·托拉尔(Miguel del Toral)脱颖而出,是不屈服于“团体思考”的一个例子。但是他是一个例外。

在大多数失败的情况下,例如在弗林特中,由于参与复杂活动的决策者数量大量,因此很难归咎于责备,即使不是不可能。当弗吉尼亚科技研究团队在弗林特案中指定责备新利18备用比例时,总数等于100%。工程教授马克·爱德华兹(Marc Edwards),新利18备用ENR 2017年卓越奖获胜者说,即使他应该归咎于他,因为他没有做更多的事情来早日阻止问题。


Instead of looking for ways to keep quiet, we have a chance to achieve real change if we stand up to point out wrongs and support those who take such steps. Engineering ethics may start in class, but they need to continue as real, on-the-job lessons reinforced by managers and mentors, whether or not a company’s or institution’s culture rewards or fires those who speak up.


It’s a lesson ENR’s audience should take to heart. Don’t be a bystander. Believe that your voice matters and that, even as an individual, you can help to create change.