Jean ZuJean Zu, a noted mechanical engineering researcher and, since 2009, head of the ME department at the University of Toronto, on May 1 will become dean of the School of Engineering & Science at Hoboken, N.J.-based Stevens Institute of Technology. She is a former president of the Engineering Institute of Canada and the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering. Zu will lead 170 faculty in one of three schools at Stevens, whose founding in 1870 included creation of the country’s first mechanical engineering degree program, says the institute.

HAKS, a New York City-based engineer, has elevatedAlberto Villaman给总统。他曾任执行副总裁兼建筑检查小组负责人,于2000年加入该公司。现在有700名员工。

Leanna Andersonhas joined Michael Baker International as executive vice president and chief communications officer. She previously held marketing and communications management roles at ServiceLink and Siemens Water Technologies. Also,Elese “Lisa” Roger被命名为EVP和首席信息官。此前,她在SC3和Leidos的技术和网络安全副总裁职位上任职。

斯坦福大学, Palo Alto, Calif., has named noted data and information technology management researcher珍妮弗·维多姆(Jennifer Widom)as dean of its engineering school. She succeedsPersis Drell,他于2月成为大学教务长。Widom,以前是计算机科学系主席兼副工程院长,现在监督一个计划,约有5300名学生和240名教职员工。斯坦福大学说,在今年的休假期间,Widom在包括秘鲁,坦桑尼亚和孟加拉国在内的15个国家 /地区的大数据中教授了简短的课程。

约翰·普菲斯特(John Pfisterer)加入了m j引擎ering as a senior vice president. Most recently, he was a deputy director at Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges and Tunnels, New York City.

索非亚·伯杰(Sofia Berger)该公司表示,工程师路易斯·伯杰(Louis Berger)的高级副总裁现在正在管理其美国运输计划。她曾担任拉丁美洲和加勒比海的董事总经理。继她担任这个角色是Miguel Zaldo。The firm also named阿黛尔·埃利亚(Adele Elia)as chief integrity officer, managing its global compliance and ethics function. She succeedsTom Nicastro,他正在辞职,但将继续担任高级顾问。Elia曾是联邦政府安全咨询公司美国调查服务公司的首席道德和合规官。

James H. “Jim” KleinfelderJames H. “Jim” Kleinfelder,82岁,他在1961年投资了他的1,500美元的救生来创立了一家建筑材料工程和测试公司,该公司成为了仍然持有名字的设计公司的巨头,该公司于3月5日在亚利桑那州的Carefree。。

The firm, which ranks at No. 48 on ENR’s latest list of the Top 500 Design Firms, reported $319 million in 2015 revenue, mostly in environmental and transportation work. It also has nearly 2,000 employees in the U.S., Canada and Australia. Kleinfelder, who retired as CEO in 1993, is a former president of the Geoprofessional Business Association.

布拉德·克莱因菲尔德(Brad Kleinfelder)在该公司工作了25年,现在是Plateau Sotware Inc.的首席执行官,他的父亲强调说:“如果您首先专注于员工,其次是客户,商业成功和盈利能力将照顾好自己。”这位长老的克莱因菲尔德(Kleinfelder)被任命为加州大学伯克利分校的杰出校友,于2010年创建了詹姆斯·H·克莱因菲尔德(James H.