John Fish通过2009年伟大的经济衰退引导了他的公司,萨福克建筑有限公司,具有愉快的乐观,令人愉快的乐观和雄心壮志。他还为萨福克提供了大目标,包括技术投资。现在,美好时光回归,基于波士顿的公司继续赢得全国大型建筑管理合同,2015年的收入汇率为25亿美元。恩·记者斯科特·瓦·沃尔赫斯关于萨福克的市场,千禧年和技术谈论鱼类。新利18备用

What percentage of Suffolk’s work is now in either the tech or health-care sectors?

I would say the health-care and technology sectors are close to 25% of our portfolio. We are doing quite a bit of work with Amgen—and the barriers of working with a company like Amgen are high. We are working with GE Healthcare in Marlborough [Mass.], and we are working on GE’s new corporate headquarters in Boston. We are doing work on a new $700-million tower for Children’s Hospital [in Boston] and a $500-million All Aboard Intermodal center in Miami.


I would say that, today, 50% of our work is union and 50% is open shop. It was 75% union four years ago. In the San Francisco area and Boston, we are building union. In New York, it’s both union and nonunion. In the Southeast, it’s nonunion.


经济衰退后,我们真的看着我们的价值主张,并试图了解我们的竞争优势是什么。它比我们想要的地方相对较薄和薄。当您作为商品竞争时,您可以竞争的唯一方式是提供最优惠的价格 - 有时价格最低不是最优惠的价格。在一天结束时,[事务]是我们为客户带来的内在价值。我在技术中投入了很大的投资,探索了iPad和BIM建模的使用。


We came out with a brand-new vision for the company, transforming the construction experience by “building smart.” We use a VDC—virtual design and construction—model. The mechanical, electrical and structural—all the different disciplines are coordinated in one model. Before we build a job, we are building the job virtually first. Our value proposition and predictability in cost, value and scheduling are much higher now. If you are able to produce something more efficiently and predictably, you are taking the risk off the table.

OK, can you given an example of how Suffolk’s new “build smart” approach has paid off for you and your clients in dollars and cents?

As our models have become more accurate, our use of contingencies has dropped. We are seeing a 2% reduction in contingencies on projects because of the quality of the modeling. We also have been using a “virtual cave” that shows [clients] the three-dimensionality. Our ability to build it once and only once is more the norm than it is the exception. It is providing a sense of predictability, lowering our costs and increasing quality.


We had to start changing the DNA of the company. People my age, 56, were not born with technology. We take senior-level people and partner them up with millennials, who were born with that DNA, and create a mentor-mentee relationship. We have allowed millennials to have a much [stronger] voice than they would have otherwise had at another type of company. We have probably at least 200 young people working with senior-level [managers.]


We are much more of a full-service company today. We are getting involved in projects much earlier than we ever did before and trying to create value for our clients with the different technologies.