When South Nyack, N.Y., Mayor Bonnie Christian rode her bike as a child across the Tappan Zee Bridge at its grand opening more than six decades ago, she had little idea she would one day witness construction of the $4-billion, 3.1-mile structure that would replace it. “You personally never thought of a time span on it,” she says.

The New York State Thruway Authority’s ambition is for the new two-span bridge crossing the Hudson River 25 miles north of New York City to have a 100-year useful life—so the South Nyack mayor who welcomes the next bridge probably isn’t even born yet.

当前应该替换实现centur吗y mark, it will likely owe its longevity to a battery of smart technology systems—sensors, gauges, monitors, data reporting tools and more—that aim to ensure that the structure operates smoothly and safely on a day-to-day basis and doesn’t need its core components replaced or repaired for its entire life.

“We’ll have strain gauges, anemometers, tiltometers—we’re measuring movement where we think it’s important, for strains or forces that we think we need to monitor, obviously for the health of the bridge,” says Jamey Barbas, project director for what is officially called the New NY Bridge Project. “If there are huge winds, we’ll be alerted right away and [be able to restrict whether] trucks go over the bridge. If we see something wrong, we’re able to go out and fix it before it becomes catastrophic in terms of the work effort.”

Tappan Zee构造师 - 该项目的设计建设团队由Fluor Corp.,American Bridge,Traylor Bros.和Granite Construction锚定 - 已经安装了450多个传感器,仪表和监视单元,并在新桥上安装为了从今年晚些时候从北部的旧桥带走所有交通,这两个跨度在2018年都完全开放。该团队现在正在简化传感器与中央数据单元的联系,并与Thruway管理局建立报告参数,Marco Perez说,the contractor’s program lead for facilities. “The structural monitoring system is part of the overall infrastructure for the bridge,” he says.


现有的Tappan Zee于1955年建造,是从容量或结构的角度来看,是一项案例研究,该案例研究是在不长期构建的结构中。新利18备用这座桥努力处理当今的交通量(每天140,000辆汽车),并具有沉重的拥塞,狭窄的车道和没有紧急肩膀,这会导致每英里的事故率,这是纽约570英里的剩余时间,这是纽约人穿越系统的其余部分的两倍。近年来,它还需要数亿美元的基本维修,并且需要类似的资本支出才能保持其当前水平。


私人股权公司Kiddar Capital的首席执行官Todd Hitt说,引入智能技术,通常将设计,建筑和资产管理的世界数字化,并且该行业处于早期阶段。对于这个市场。

- 新纽约桥项目总监Jamey Barbas



即使是其技术功能,这座新桥也已经标志着其许多大型建筑里程碑,包括在12月的419英尺塔楼中脱颖而出,完成了3,000个巷道面板中的大多数以及几乎所有支撑结构的安装,包括超出所有支持结构 -120个钢梁部分和1,000个桩。

The northern span is nearly fully built from the Westchester County shoreline to Rockland County, while the southern span awaits final connections because it overlaps with the existing Tappan Zee, which crews will start to demolish later this year. The northern span is wider in order to both handle the temporary traffic shift as well as future mass transit capacity, Barbas says, describing the plan drafted by Tappan Zee Constructors’ design team of HDR, Buckland & Taylor, AECOM/URS and GZA.






- Marco Perez,计划负责人,Tappan Zee构造师

Tappan Zee Constructors的系统项目工程师Todd Ostendorf说,传感器分为两类,有些嵌入基础架构中,而其他传感器已安装后。他说,嵌入式类别包括码头和甲板上的传感器,以监测围栏系统的钢和钢筋,以实现由道路盐和其他污染物或仪表引起的腐蚀,以测量甲板表面温度。Ostendorf说:“它有助于评估您的子结构的完整性。”



所有这些监视单元都会不断产生流向Thruway Authority指挥中心的数据,这为项目团队提供了另一个巨大的任务,可以管理这一切。巴巴斯说,关键策略是编译定制报告并触发针对特定数据读数的目标通知。她说:“某些地方众所周知,对于桥梁所有者来说,检查菌株会更有趣。”

The monitors will all feed into “data acquisitioning units” installed on the bridge that also are hard-wired in most cases via fiber or copper lines to transmit out to the Thruway Authority’s operations systems, Ostendorf says. The data collecting starts soon, because the team intends to establish baselines for the structure’s conditions without traffic in order to compare with how it behaves under normal loads, Perez adds. The team is currently establishing minimum and maximum thresholds for readings that can trigger a notification, he says.





Barbas recalls how her team on a prior drawbridge project figured out a bearing had frozen by noticing that masonry on a pier moved when the span opened.



“Of course, there can be components that are obviously changed out,” she says. “But the main thing is that the towers and piers—they’re supposed to last 100 years.”