自从唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统揭幕以来,奥巴马政府在奥巴马政府对向媒体进行检查的结果吹捧的结果一直保持沉默。



特朗普政府全面对联邦机构施加的整体媒体停电,OSHA的公众沉默突然出现。对于观点,美国通用服务管理局has issued three press releases since Jan. 20, as has the美国运输部。

特朗普的提名人领导工党部,安德鲁·普兹德(Andrew Puzder)仍在等待美国参议院的确认。其他联邦机构处于无声模式,因为新内阁秘书也在等待确认或定居并启动新政策。

联邦政府在美国没有对工作地点安全的专有权,在美国22 states or territories have approved state OSHA plansthat must equal or exceed federal standards.


华盛顿特区律师埃里克·康恩(Eric Conn)表示,鉴于该机构已将新闻稿和对负面宣传的恐惧作为对公司的主要库德格尔,这一点很重要。

“They (OSHA) see the press releases as being more impactful than the final outcome of these cases,” Conn said. “Employers are very afraid of being blasted by OSHA in the media.”

The agency’s recent pullback from announcing the results of its inspections is not likely to upset many companies in construction or other sectors.


But the business community has been less enamored, especially when it comes to OSHA’s decision to routinely publicize safety violations, which some contend is akin to “shaming.”


Future of Severe Violators Enforcement Program

However, the agency’s press policy may not be the only area that could be poised for a revamp under the new administration.

One of its more aggressive regulatory initiatives – the Severe Violators Enforcement Program – also faces an uncertain future with the arrival of a more business-friendly Trump Administration.



其中包括位于宾夕法尼亚州威廉斯波特市的桥梁建设和维修公司Susquehanna Supply,OSHA于2016年初在一名工人崩溃中丧生后,于2016年初放置了严重的违规者计划。后来,该公司因在战trench中没有足够的洞穴保护和一系列违规行为而被引用,可以追溯到1970年代。

有限公司mpany officials could not be reached for comment on whether the penalty against it was contested or settled.





In order to exit the program, a company has to pay all the penalties, abate all the violations, and satisfy any other terms of the settlement. But in addition, there is a final probationary period of three years – one that doesn’t even begin until a final resolution of the charges.




More than 15 companies in construction and related fields have gone out of business since being placed on OSHA’s severe violator list.


有限公司nn said in the vast majority of cases he has taken on where companies have been placed on the severe violator list, he has been able to free them after presenting enough evidence to get the underlying citation removed.– with Scott Lewis