彼得·斯洛兹卡(Peter Sluszka)
New York City
ENR 1/11-18/16 p. 14

彼得·斯洛兹卡(Peter Sluszka)在1980年代为著名的桥梁公司Steinman Boynton Gronquist&Birdsall工作时,他看到了腐蚀,无凝胶电缆的康复 - 钢丝电线(钢丝),在威廉斯堡桥上涂有锌和油。在1990年代,工程师尝试用氯丁橡胶包裹桥电缆,以防止腐蚀。他说:“我一直认为必须有更好的方法。”

Then, he heard that Japanese engineers were experimenting with dry-air injection—dehumidification systems—on the Honshu–Shikoku bridge network. “I was skeptical. How do you do that? Is it a complicated system? Is it reliable?”

2002年,Sluszka有机会看看自己。“我们看到了它。他们甚至有窗户在包装下看。该系统工作正常 - 电缆完全干燥。我看到这不是一件复杂的事情。这很简单,实用,而且确实有效。”

Along with colleagues at Ammann & Whitney, now the long-span-bridge arm of Louis Berger Group, he spent the next decade convincing U.S. clients to try the system of plant rooms that pipe dry air into cables through injection sleeves. “We got the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey to accept the concept” for the George Washington Bridge’s $1-billion suspender-rope replacement project.

但是,马里兰州运输管理局(MDTA)将港口管理局淘汰了,成为第一个尝试除湿系统的人。“我们开始检查[Cheseapeake湾]桥,发现腐蚀。我们说,“这些电缆应该被除湿,” Sluszka说。该机构同意,Ammann&Whitney与Aecom,Ty Lin International和HntB一起设计了5300万美元的系统,Kiewit去年在双4.3英里的跨度上安装了该系统。

“As a technical adviser to MDTA, I peer-reviewed the recommendations for the Bay bridge,” says Jamey Barbas, Thruway Authority project director for the New New York Bridge. “Peter was a staunch proponent of a well-planned dehumidification system as a means to extend the service lives of vital suspension bridges.”

The Delaware River and Bay Authority is now installing or conducting tests on several bridges. “More clients are convinced this is a good thing to do,” says Sluszka.

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