Robert J. SchillerstromRobert J. Schillerstrom
唐斯格罗夫(Downers Grove),生病了。
ENR 2/1-8/16 p. 22

When you have a 15-year, $12-billion construction program for your tollway road system, “all things are possible,” says Robert J. Schillerstrom, board chairman of the Illinois Tollway. “We want to explore all opportunities.”

这既适合技术和多样性。在技​​术方面,当局不仅在推动无现金,全电子系统的推动,而且还允许材料工程师和承包商使用延伸道路来测试新型的混凝土混合物,更高效或更可持续的铺路方法以及负载方法- 测量子分级条件的板系统。

“我们正在努力找到高效,更好的方法,通过技术和创新为客户提供服务,”培训律师Schillersstrom说。他最初与收费公路管理局的参与是计划在390号公路前往O'Hare机场的新的34亿美元的西部延伸,预计在未来25年内将创造65,000个工作岗位。作为杜佩奇县(Dupage County)的长期董事长,Schillerstrom帮助建立了一个两党利益相关者联盟,以实现该项目。

As tollway chairman, Schillerstrom aims to “unsilo our relationships with the Illinois Dept. of Transportation and with public transit agencies.” He also has doubled down on increasing contracts and training for minority-, women- and veteran-owned firms. “We serve diverse communities, and we wanted the people who work on tollway jobs to be representative of those communities,” he says. In 2016, the tollway awarded some $1 billion in DBE contracts and commissioned a report with 27 recommendations on diversity. Schillerstrom’s efforts led to recognition by the U.S. Minority Contractors Association, whose founder, the Rev. Larry Bullock, stated, “Schillerstrom’s involvement with the USMCA, its board members and general membership is illustrative of a genuine partnership as we all seek to build capacity via tollway projects.”

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