科迪·诺瓦克(Cody Nowak)
新利18备用ENR 11/28/16 p。20

There are many figures in the tech world who are preaching the wonders of augmented reality, mixed reality and expensive headsets that can project virtual images into the real world. But Cody Nowak is looking for the realistic applications that, eventually, will aid the average worker on the construction site.

作为洛杉矶地区内饰承包商马丁·兄弟(Martin Bros.诺克说:“ [建筑技术中最低的水果之一]正在弥合从办公室到建筑工地的差距。”虽然大多数用于建筑中混合现实应用的重点一直在设计评估上,而QA-QC则坚持认为,当常规商人或承包商能够在工作现场看到该模型时,真正的好处将显现出来。

Nowak运行了一个试点项目,其中Martin Bros.员工能够使用仅用于布局的Microsoft Hololens混合现实耳机进行浴室吊舱的基本框架组装,这将3D电线框架模型投射到了他的视野中。该概念验证表明,将来,混合现实不仅仅是设计评估工具,甚至可能成为基本施工任务的标准辅助工具。


With a background in crafting BIM deliverables for various trade contractors, Nowak now has been at Martin Bros. for two years. After years of helping builders understand virtual design and construction, he is finding that the divide between the 3D model and the construction site is smaller than ever.

While his HoloLens pilot project was a conceptual success, he is moving on to mixed-reality applications that may be closer to real-world deployment. Today, Nowak is working with the equipment manufacturer Hilti to bring the PS 1000 wall-penetrating radar system into mixed-reality visualizations, allowing construction workers to “see” through walls. “It’s a different direction for mixed reality, way beyond just layout. We’re changing the way you look at the site.”

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