New York City
ENR 12/26/16 p. 6
Project director uses variety of skills with a touch of philosophy to keep the New York region’s first major public-private parrtnership bridge project on track.

James Blackmore describes himself as a realist. A decade ago, when he embarked on the task of bringing to completion the $1.5-billion Goethals Bridge replacement, it was evident that the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey simply didn’t have enough money in its capital plan to fund that crossing and all its needs through traditional delivery methods.

He recalls that when the idea came up to use a public-private partnership—the first for the agency—he thought, “We don’t know how to do this. Why don’t we call people in who do?” He solicited P3-experienced firms to give presentations and put together a project agreement and an RFP. By early 2013—a decade later—crews were doing preliminary work on site before the official financial closure.

“That was probably the best time to tear my Achilles’ tendon,” recalls Blackmore. Why? Because the work on crafting the P3 was over, along with the chores of acquiring property and environmental impact statements. It also gave the project director time to think about management style.


现实主义和韧性与“敏感方法”混合在一起,这也是进步的关键,无论所有者,特许经营者和设计建造团队之间发生了什么冲突。Nynj Link Developer LLC的首席执行官Luke Chenery说:“吉姆的日常和动手参与对于保持沟通方式至关重要。”“吉姆坚持采用合作的方法,提醒我们所有人共享相同目标的人,即使在激烈的辩论期间也是如此。”

Blackmore points out that, while being tough is essential in his role, “the more you try not to be combative, the more others may learn not to be, either.” When a dispute seems intractable, “I constantly remind people to take a step back and look at what we’re doing out here. Now, imagine this given problem relative to all of this. I’ll bring that up shamelessly as often as necessary.”

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