
But that is precisely what the leaders at PCL Construction Services Inc. decided to do with the company’s new PartsLab software. It’s a bold business strategy that is raising eyebrows across the industry.

PartsLab is an Autodesk Revit add-in that PCL officials say will revolutionize the way the industry creates and manages construction documentation. The software is a native Autodesk Revit feature that is designed to improve collaboration among project teams and diminish downstream re-creation of models by field staff.


It is too soon to evaluate the technical success of the software, but its launch has been nuanced and complex. “It was not an easy decision to move forward [with it],” says PCL Construction Services President Deron Brown. “But it was the right decision. We want to make things easier for workers in the field, to improve collaboration. The industry needs to connect those dots.”

由虚拟建筑经理Nick Kurth领导的PCL Construction的技术团队与Autodesk合作开发研究与开发。库斯说:“我们的目的是使整个劳动力能够利用[虚拟]模型。”“我们想将其重新利用以进行实际的现场布局和安装。”


Executive-level buy-in is paramount in efforts such as this, Kurth says, along with patience and a high tolerance for mistakes. After the company began using Revit Parts, it took nearly two years to develop PartsLab, and the R&D process went through multiple iterations. “Your execs really have to want to raise the bar,” he says.

“We felt the product would eventually be a success.”
- PCL公司发展总监Cathy Orquiola




“The biggest hurdle was that we are not a software company. We’re a contractor,” says Cathy Orquiola, director of corporate development at PCL. Some of the firm’s leadership were uneasy about working in a new arena. But PCL has developed a corporate culture “that doesn’t see failure as a bad thing. We felt the product would eventually be a success and help raise the bar for the entire industry,” she adds.


“It’s a very selfless thing for PCL and Deron Brown to be offering this as a free service and not as a piece of intellectual property,” says William P. Nassal, a partner in The Nassal Co., Orlando, Fla. His firm works as a fabricator for theme parks, zoos and other entertainment venues around the world and has collaborated with PCL on several theme-park projects. Nassal says the entrepreneurial rewards of the PartsLab launch will likely outweigh its risks.
