Each year, ENR’s Year in Construction Photo Contest is judged by experts from the fields of construction safety, graphic design, photography and journalism. A fresh panel is convened each year for the in-person review to guarantee open minds and fresh eyes.

This year’s safety expert was Marty Leik, a regional safety director for Suffolk Construction Co. Inc., Boston. For the first round, Leik studied the high-scoring images for safety risks. Then, for the final round, he scrutinizing the images to make doubly sure that all the winning photos depict safe working conditions.


“It was encouraging to witness all the judges evaluating the photos based on safety and not just artistic qualities,” Leik says. “It was clear that everyone understood the importance of recognizing photographs that demonstrated the highest levels of safety protocol and awareness to send a clear message to the industry that safety must be our priority over everything else.” We are glad Leik was part of the judging team to teach us some of the nuances.

我们的摄影专家是Rehema Trimiew,他的建筑照片多次竞赛。她的照片是在2015年的封面上,但她今年没有进入,因为她专注于她的新自由职业生意,敏捷的图像,该图像会延时,进度和空中施工照片和视频。

ENR的高级艺术总监斯科特•培新利18备用土创造ed the 20-page layout (p. 36), served as the graphic-design expert. Two judges brought the journalist’s eye: ENR Projects Editor Scott Lewis and Miriam Sitz, web editor for Architectural Record, ENR’s sister publication.

单击此处查看Enr的“ 2016年建设新利18备用”摄影比赛获奖者