Driving legislation through the hotly partisan 114th Congress was a struggle, so it’s no surprise that construction and water industry officials are happy to see one big infrastructure bill make it to the finish line—the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act. But it will be a long time before the WIIN Act’s projects get construction funding.

Much of industry’s focus in the new law, enacted on Dec. 16, is on the its Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) title, which authorizes $10.3 billion in federal funds for 30 new Army Corps of Engineers projects. Nonfederal agencies also will help finance many of those projects.

Local backers of the projects—and their House and Senate advocates—pushed to get them included in the bill, knowing that an authorization is a necessary step.


法律和游说公司琼斯·沃克有限责任公司的特别顾问约翰·道尔(John Doyle新利18备用网址甚至接近它。”

第一个拨款的障碍是为详细的初步工程和设计而赚钱。前陆军民兵官员多伊尔(Doyle)说,完成设计工作并搬到建筑阶段通常“通常需要两年,有时三年,有时需要三年”。他补充说:“这可能 - 依靠项目的性质,甚至比这更长。”

在2014年制定的最后新利18备用网址一个水资源措施中包含的三个港口项目 - 查尔斯顿,佛罗里达州埃尔格拉德斯港和波士顿港口 - 已经有了一条脚步,并在Corps的2016年工作计划中获得了工程资金。

美国港口当局协会导航政策与立法主任吉姆·沃克(Jim Walker)指出,2014年以来的其他人仍在等待联邦设计美元。2016年WRDA中的六个港口项目中的大多新利18备用网址数现在都加入了列表。




An important signal will come in the Trump administration’s FY 2018 budget proposal, expected to be released sometime early next year. How much Trump’s team will recommend for the Corps, or any other construction program, is unknown.

But going back at least to the George W. Bush administration, the Office of Management and Budget has set a high hurdle before new Corps projects can be included in the annual presidential budget blueprint. OMB’s cost-benefit threshold for such projects is much tougher than the one the Army Chief of Engineers uses in his authorization reports, Doyle observes. A positive “Chief’s report” gives a project a ticket into a WRDA bill.

尽管如此,《 Wiin Act及其WRDA》部分还是建筑和水集团的胜利。如果第114届国会在休会之前未能通过水资源法案,则第115届国会将不得不以新的措施从头开始。这将使等待工程和建设资金的时间更长。