约翰·燕子has joined Thornton Tomasetti (TT) as a principal of the New York City-based design firm. The new role follows its acquisition in December of Swallow Acoustic Consultants Ltd., a Mississauga, Ont,-based specialist in acoustics, noise and vibration control engineering, of which he was president. About 13 employees now join TT. The deal is set to close in early 2017. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Swallow is a global specialist in design of tuned mass dampers, a device used to help stabilize tall buildings and long-span structures against wind sway and other kinds of motion, says TT, adding that this capability "will dovetail with Thornton Tomasetti’s efforts in the field, which include development of a fluid harmonic disruptor based on NASA technology."

凯里·史密斯加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的Parsons Corp.已命名凯里·史密斯作为其联邦业务部门的总裁。她曾是霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)的国防和太空总裁,帕森斯(Parsons)表示,在全球国防公司中排名第15,在2015年的年收入为47亿美元,在部门出版国防新闻中排名。该公司认为,通过这一任命,史密斯成为帕森斯的最高女性业务部门主管。Thomas L. Roell一直担任临时联邦部门主席的人,恢复了副主席的角色。

拉尔森设计集团,宾夕法尼亚州威廉斯波特大卫·马丁作为首席运营官。他曾是Michael Baker Inc.的高级副总裁。Martin还是位于匹兹堡的卡内基科学中心的董事会成员。员工拥有的拉尔森(Larson)排名第324位,在ENR的前500家设计公司名单中排新利18备用名第324。

Patrick Bartorillo已将新成立的弗吉尼亚州Roanoke部门的分支机构部门总裁提升到了总部位于弗吉尼亚州的Roanoke,该部门的承包商The Branch Group Inc.结合了其以前的单位Branch Highways Inc.和E.V.威廉姆斯公司Jay Openshaw还晋升为高级副总裁和Brian Evans致副总裁。他们自2013年和2000年以来一直在母公司工作。分支集团公司在ENR排名前400名承包商名单上排名第182,​​2015年收入为3.新利18备用92亿美元,约900名员工。该公司表示,这是弗吉尼亚州的第四大建筑公司。

阿维·卡恩(Avi Kahn)位于德克萨斯州普莱诺的Hilti North America,总部位于德克萨斯州的Power Townmaker and Software Developer,已提升阿维·卡恩(Avi Kahn)to president and CEO, effective on Jan. 1. He succeeds卡里·埃弗特(Cary Evert)他将于3月31日退休。卡恩(Kahn)目前是加拿大希尔蒂(Hilti Canada)的总经理,于2004年加入该公司。Martina McIsaac,目前在多伦多的部门经理将接替卡恩(Kahn),现在加入希尔蒂(Hilti)北美执行管理团队。该公司是总部位于欧洲的希尔蒂公司(Hilti Inc.)的单位,该公司在《财富》杂志(Fortune Magazine)发表的88,000个千禧一代的调查中,在今年和最后一年中排名前100名。希尔蒂北美有2700名员工。

Mark Sopphas joined KBR as chief financial officer, the firm announced on Dec. 13. He succeedsBrian Ferraioli自2013年10月以来一直担任首席财务官,此前曾担任相同的职务,并担任Shaw Group的执行副总裁,该组织被CBI收购。SOPP从2005年到2015年担任Leidos -Saic的CFO和EVP。瑞士信贷行业部门分析师Jamie Cook说,他的任命“与KBR的战略一致,该战略将其业务重新定位到更加经常性,可报销的政府服务终结市场。”在最近的两次收购之后,其收入的约41%是在政府服务中,高于20%。该领域的积压现在为70%,高于58%。

Chantal Sorel,managing director of capital at SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., was named to the board of the Canadian Council of Public-Private Partnerships, which promotes infrastructure development through P3 financial and management arrangements with all levels of government in Canada. She supervises the investment and asset management arm of the Montreal-based design-builder and had been senior vice-president of business development in its infrastructure group. Sorel also is a former president of the Montreal chapter of the Project Management Institute.

Aecom命名了安迪·萨利斯(Andy Sallis), formerly a unit president at AMEC Foster Wheeler, as Houston-based president of its global oil and gas construction services division.The firm also elevated罗伯特·W·莱昂内蒂(Robert W. Leonetti)在AECOM的建筑服务集团中,其民用建筑和采矿业务部门的总裁兼总经理。他曾是设计和咨询服务的高级副总裁兼替代交付负责人,并且曾是Granite Construction Inc.的副总裁兼业务开发和营销总监。

艾丽森·沃森(Alyson Watson)艾丽森·沃森(Alyson Watson)在11月21日收购RMC Water and Environmental(旧金山顾问)她曾担任总裁后,加入了缅因州的设计公司Woodard&Curran担任业务部门负责人。W&C表示,该交易将该公司的国家足迹扩展到12个州的26个办事处,创建了约1,000名员工的公司。W&C在ENR排名前500家设计公司名单上排名新利18备用第80,2015年收入约为1.605亿美元。RMC在NO中排名。456.它最近的项目包括圣塔克拉新利18备用网址拉谷水区的饮用品再利用计划的初步设计以及布伦特伍德和尤巴市城市的废水处理厂升级。沃森(Watson)自2005年以来一直担任总裁。W&C表示,RMC将在2017年的共同品牌身份下运作,然后在2018年过渡为Woodard&Curran。

帕特·科普兰(Pat Copeland),谷歌的前高级工程总监joined San Franciso-based construction software developer PlanGrid as vice president of engineering. The firm offers a Cloud-based platform for sharing construction documents such as blueprints, specs, RFIs and punchlists. According to the firm, its platform has been used on more than 450,000 construction projects, and it stores over 50 million sheets of digital blueprints. PlanGrid says that Copeland led the strategy, product, engineering, and expansion of several wireless projects, including the recently announced Google WiFi. "It's crucial that we have an established engineering leader pushing our technology ahead of the industry," says Ralph Gootee, PlanGrid co-founder and chief product officer, noting Copeland's "track record of leading and scaling engineering organizations."

Rochester, N.Y.-based architect-engineer Bergmann Associates has elevatedPietro“ Pete” Giovencoto president from chief operating officer, succeeding汤姆·米切尔担任首席执行官的角色。公司发言人说,乔文科还将在2017年底接任米切尔(Mitchell)担任首席执行官。该公司在ENR排名前500家设计公司名单上排名第206。新利18备用