
Raleigh-based Stewart Engineering is suing Continental Casualty Co., a unit of CNA, in federal court in North Carolina, arguing that the insurer is refusing to honor the terms of its policy that provides up to $5 million to cover multiple claims in a single year and is instead only offering $3 million.

The lawsuit was filed last year and remains unresolved. In it, CNA contends the collapses of the two glulam timber bridges are similar enough to trigger a “related claims” clause under which they are effectively treated as a single claim, with coverage capped at $3 million.

在发布此故事之前,无法与Stewart Engineering的代表有关诉讼发表评论。总部位于芝加哥的大型保险公司CNA的律师或代表也不能。


Investigators for the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration refrained from citing Stewart since it had no staff on site, saying the engineering firm’s responsibility was limited to the design.


斯图尔特告诉恩,它已经改造了新利18备用quality control procedures

在11月10日提起的不法死亡诉讼中,代表在第一次桥梁崩溃中丧生的工人的律师Jose Luis Rosales-Nava在罗利的联邦法院提起诉讼,该诉讼针对记录建筑师Clark Nexsen和Structurlam Products LP,LP,这是失败的Glulam Girders的供应商。

在没有命名斯图尔特的诉讼中,这两家公司是对失败的木材大梁中最遥远的连接负责。OSHA确定正是这种设计缺陷触发了崩溃。克拉克·尼克森(Clark Nexsen)的代表在一份声明中,在其服务与“其他公司有执照的工程师”提供的服务之间做出了区别。


The issue of how to define or count occurrences has arisen in other types of insurance policies and disputes. The law on the subject is state specific and in most states occurrence is not defined as the error itself but as the impact or harm that is caused.

Stewart’s claims-made professional and pollution incident liability policy originated in 2009 and was renewed yearly for an annual premium of $139,000. A $100,000 deductible applied and the defense coverage was part of the overall policy limit.

通过将桥梁发生的事情定义为一种情况,“一旦该保单的$ 3,000,000责任限制已经耗尽,大陆的义务……完全实现和消失。”保险公司在联邦法院提出的反诉中说。



The claims filed over the collapse of the first bridge and those filed for the second are “two or more claims arising from multiple wrongful acts that are not logically or causally connected by any common fact, situation, event, transaction, advice, or decision,” Stewart’s legal team argues.

But Continental, in a counterclaim field in federal court, rejects the contention that the related claims clause is at all ambiguous, instead arguing it fully supports its contention that the claims against Stewart over the two bridges are all related.

“基础桥梁索赔指控人身伤害和/或财产损失据称是由Stewart Engineering在设计和/或WTCC北部校园的两座行人桥工程CNA的法律团队认为,相同的设计和相互崩溃。”