
这只是概念验证演示,在受控的空间中设置有适当的照明,以使Microsoft Hololens能够正确运行。该公司VDC兼BIM经理Cody Nowak说,但是总部位于加利福尼亚州加利福尼亚州加利福尼亚州加利福尼亚州的承包商马丁·兄弟(Martin Bros.)的测试结果很有希望。

“We did the test with the president of Martin Bros., who hadn’t picked up a tool belt in 20 years,” he says. “We put the HoloLens on him, and he built that bathroom pod.” Nowak says that, although the pilot project was in a controlled environment, building a bathroom pod that would normally be prefabricated off-site, it shows real potential for mixed reality. “We’re one of the first to utilize holograms for construction layouts,” says Nowak. “It’s still early, but someday we will be able to build directly from the BIM model on the site.”

Mixed-reality and augmented-reality systems are distinguished from the isolation of virtual reality by the ability to see what is actually around the viewer. “In VR, the context is wholly fabricated by design—what you see is completely fictional and might be based on something that is real, but you’re in a world that’s wholly for your eyes,” explains Alan Robles, associate at Gensler in charge of interactive design. “With augmented-reality and mixed-reality systems, having a device that can load your digital assets into the built environment is hugely important to being able to communicate intent.”


Moving Beyond Virtual Reality

Virtual reality devices, such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, can provide immersive experiences, but it’s at the cost of situational awareness. “In 2008, we convinced our company to build one of the first VR ‘CAVEs’ in Spain,” recalls Daniel Garciá Espinel, technology transfer manager for Madrid-based ACCIONA. “We took a lot of people in to see their projects. It was a good commercial tool.” Workflows were largely unchanged by VR, so VR became more of a tool to show to clients. “But this mixed reality and the HoloLens involve a jump forward because, in this case, it’s beyond a commercial tool. It’s a real useful tool for understanding sites,” he says.

Trimble的混合现实计划主管Aviad Almagor说,现在的挑战是将数据凝结成头戴式耳机可以处理的形式,其中包括Hololens Pilot Projects。新利18备用网址他说:“目标是拥有一键式混合现实。”

Autodesk的AEC高级战略家Stacey Scopano预测:“混合现实设备将经历标准的采用周期。”“我认为我们的行业没有意识到在未来十年中,作为可交付的破坏性沉浸式将如何变成。”Autodesk的混合现实努力取得了一些成功,Scopano希望它对VR技术的大量投资随着其成熟而转化为MR平台。他说:“我们正在将数据转移到Hololens,并进入Apple和Google的项目。”新利18备用网址“我们很幸运的是,我们的市场中足够多的数字化内容,我们的工作流程烘烤了30年,我们的客户知道这是他们已经在做什么的自然发展。”

AECOM的主要技术和过程顾问克里斯·索恩(Chris Thorn)表示,MR的协作方面是其主要景点之一。他说:“对我们来说,这是沟通的质量。”工程师通常会向一位高级工程师讲述他们的问题,他们在访问期间必须向另一个团队解释他们。“但是,通过使用混合现实,工程师可以直接进行这些对话。沟通质量可以提高。我们谈论哪个网格线的对话更少。”索恩说。索恩说,与VR不同,团队可以更直接参与MR。

Thorn is running a mixed-reality pilot project out of AECOM’s Plymouth, U.K., office in collaboration with Trimble and Microsoft. He also has developed a quick-start guide for MR users as well as a workflow for using MR in the design and review process. “We used it for our work on the Serpentine Galleries, these prestigious architectural projects done each year in Hyde Park [London],” he notes. Thorn points to the design of an elaborate, ribbonlike sculpture for the event that required complex steel supports. “The advantages of working with HoloLens is that you can open it up in a big-enough conference room and see it at 1:1 scale. You can review the fabrication model in the room, looking around it and walking around it, with a sort of natural spatial awareness. We found additional problems that we couldn’t find on the screen because you couldn’t get the view just where you wanted it,” he says.

索恩(Thorn)表示,霍洛伦斯(Hololens)需要一条学习曲线,而不仅仅是构建头戴式耳机可以从主设计管道上处理的简化模型的忙碌。他回忆起发现一名戴着霍洛伦斯的高级团队成员躺在会议室地板上的背上,以更仔细地了解全息3D模型的一个细节 - 诺维尔,MR模型观看器控件允许放大和轮换。


不t everyone is waiting for the HoloLens to be jobsite-ready. The contextual awareness of mixed-realty systems has drawn a great deal of interest in the industry, but there are already augmented-reality solutions available or coming soon that can be used in the field. ODG smart glasses from Osterhaus Design Group can provide augmented reality in a lightweight, glasses-like form factor. Others are trying to mimic safety helmets. The Daqri Smart Helmet (see story, p. 51) has received OSHA PPE certification. While it initially will target industrial settings such as petrochemical facilities, it also could be adapted to construction environments, offering heads-up displays of useful information and possessing a sensor array for basic mixed-reality.

但是,混合真实感增强系统,如these and the HoloLens are held back by not being safety-certified. Even those that eventually get approval likely will draw the ire of safety managers who object to jobsite workers with constant distractions in their fields of view.

由于这些安全问题,将其进入工作现场的第一个AR和MR系统可能是基于平板电脑的。Tech启动范围AR已经为工业和制造业工人推出了增强现实培训软件(ENR 6/13/16p。47),并正在努力将其技术用于建设。新利18备用该公司最近宣布与设备制造巨头卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)建立合作伙伴关系,以将其基于平板电脑的增强现实系统带来车队维护。CAT全球建筑技术和解决方案经理约翰·卡彭特(John Carpenter)说:“您现在有机会将专家带回办公室。”“例如,由于专家带来了您所没有的专业知识,因此将视觉方面吸引到平板电脑的视图中。”

When Will It Be Ready for Construction?

在11月7日至10日在拉斯维加斯举行的双年展的三年一度尺寸会议的混合真实演示区,与会者排队为霍洛伦斯(Hololens)尝试Sketchup观众。尼克·伯克尔(Nick Burkel)戴上头戴式耳机,很快就抓住了,很快就通过一系列快速手势放大了模型。总部位于佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市的威利斯·史密斯(Willis Smith Construction)的施工前经理伯克尔(Burkel)表示,值得等待。他告诉ENR:“我认为我们都将从现在开始使用五年。”新利18备用“我将在其中建立一个项目。想象一下,有人在现场走来走去,看到一切都应该去的地方。”

因此,如果硬件有所改善,MR下一步是什么?马丁·兄弟(Martin Bros.“它可以减轻我们目前在承包商和分包商之间在现场中的很多论点。”

The MR demo Nowak ran internally was beset by its share of technical glitches, and getting mixed reality into construction will require clearing some hurdles, he told ENR. The headset often lost tracking, and the model would jump inches or feet around the room; the level of detail was limited, and they elected to go with simple wire frames that wouldn’t confuse the operator or strain the hardware to the breaking point.

Despite these problems, Nowak remains optimistic about mixed reality’s potential to change the average jobsite. “I’m not saying it’s ready for prime time in construction next week, next month, next year. But this is a paradigm shift. We won’t have to look down at screens all the time. All the project’s information can be right in front of our eyes when we need it.”