
The shape of the next Congress will affect key construction measures in the next two years, including a Federal Aviation Administration authorization and appropriations for infrastructure programs. Also on the horizon may be debate on a major new public-works program, something presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump both have proposed.

But unless Senate Democrats or House Republicans post more wins on Nov. 8 than analysts predict, it’s unlikely that either will command wide enough majorities to dominate the flow of legislation. “Overall, the margins will be much, much tighter,” says Steve Hall, American Council of Engineering Companies vice president for government affairs. “It’s going to be a recipe, I think, for gridlock on many issues.”

如果特朗普赢得了白宫,那么参议院的五座民主党收益将使该党在那里以51-49的多数席位。如果克林顿获胜,四座的皮卡将意味着50-50分赛,但由于副总统蒂姆·凯恩(Tim Kaine)进行了打pire的投票,因此为民主党人提供了控制权。

库克政治报告,《罗滕伯格与冈萨雷斯政治报告》和弗吉尼亚大学政治中心的拉里·萨巴托(Larry Sabato),所有比率大约六个参议院竞赛。其中包括在印第安纳州,密苏里州,新罕布什尔州,北卡罗来纳州,宾夕法尼亚州和由退休民主领导人哈里·里德(Harry Reid)担任的内华达州席位的共和党拥有的席位的比赛。

For the most part, construction associations and companies are strongly backing Republican candidates in those crucial races and building-trades unions and environmental groups are contributing heavily to Democrats. In Nevada, for example, construction groups have contributed about $179,000 to the Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Joe Heck, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The Democratic candidate, ex-Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto, received $76,000 from construction unions and $213,000 from the League of Conservation Voters.

In the House, the GOP has a 246-186 edge, with three seats vacant. Forecasters say Democrats would need to add 30 seats to take over. The Cook Political Report projected that, as of Oct. 14, Democrats will gain between five and 20 seats there.

竞选活动的痛苦党派可能会溢出到国会山,并在一系列账单上取得了进步。美国政府事务高级执行董事杰夫·肖夫(Jeff Shoaf)说:“我没有很多希望在此选举过程中会有很多好处。在第115届国会中,不会有两党的狂热,这将使很多事情取得成就。”

霍尔希望双方都会“寻找传统上是共识问题的问题,例如基础设施。”美国土木工程师协会政府关系董事总经理布莱恩·帕拉斯施(Brian Pallasch)说:“当然,这是一个可以达成两党协议的领域,甚至希望找到解决方案来资助我们的一些基础设施。”


更吸引人的是建立大型基础设施计划的潜力。美国道路与运输建筑商协会政府关系高级副总裁戴夫·鲍尔(Dave Bauer)说:“通配符是,国会如何应对候选人的基础设施呼吁?”

Clinton has proposed a $275-billion, five-year boost for transportation, water and other sectors, including an infrastructure bank. She said that, if elected, she will send Congress a proposal in her first 100 days in office. Trump on Oct. 22 proposed a $1- trillion, 10-year “revenue-neutral” energy and infrastructure plan in his first 100 days.

但是Shoaf说,其他问题可能会消耗新国会的早期几周,例如参议院考虑最高法院席位的提名人,自2月Antonin Scalia大法官去世以来,空缺。新总统内阁的确认听证会也是如此。Shoaf凭借那个繁忙的文件,补充说:“我不知道您如何将大型建筑议程挤进那里。”