Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. has resumed work on an environmental restoration project on the Louisiana coast after halting operations when a subcontractor apparently accidentally ruptured an oil pipeline.

The project was being paid for as part of the settlement following the Deepwater Horizon disaster of April 2010.

大湖区正在监督9月5日灾难袭击的贝尔·朗(Bay Long)的障碍岛切尼尔·朗奎尔(Chenier Ronquille)的恢复。


Officials of Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., the big dredging and coastal restoration contractor based in Oakbrook, Ill., could not be reached for comment.

The accident triggered an intensive cleanup operation by the U.S. Coast Guard and other state and federal agencies.


“该项目本身已经恢复,我们目前正在努力培养建造该项目的沼泽栖息地部分所需的材料,”负责监督这项工作的国家海洋和大气管理局通讯总监本·谢尔曼(Ben Sherman)写道。

BP正在为36美元的Chenier Ronquille重建项目拿起标签公司承诺的10亿美元的一部分in the aftermath of the disaster. The money is being used for restoration projects on the Louisiana coast. (BP also agreed to pay another $7.1 billion for environmental caused by the 2010 oil rig explosion and the massive spill it caused as part of settlements with the federal and state governments.)

In addition to filling in breaches carved out by hurricanes, the work on Chenier Ronquille also involves rebuilding dunes and marshland as well.


如何ever, the cleanup certainly wasn’t inexpensive.

Crews managed to remove more than 6,000 gallons of “oily-water mixture” in the week after the spill, according to a press statement by the U.S. Coast Guard.

清理操作涉及“ 155名人员,25艘船,7艘撇渣器和超过12,000英尺的硬卷”。

Oil also made it onto the island itself, including into some of the depressions on the island that were part of the restoration project, The Times-Picayune reported, citing aerial photos taken of the island by an environmental group. As many as 200 birds were oiled, Coast Guard officials have said.