
根据州长公路安全协会的说法,伊利诺伊州首先允许Speed-Radar执法,限制了使用摄像机在建筑区和收费公路中违反违规行为的使用机票。2010年,研究表明,工作区摄像机将汽车和卡车速度降低了3至8 mph,减少了超速车辆的百分比并减少了致命的撞车事故。其他州遵循伊利诺伊州的领导。该州的快速执行摄像机“做得很好。他们正在发送正确的信息。”伊利诺伊州相关总承包商执行董事比尔·弗雷(Bill Frey)说。“公众没有意识到这是为了他们的安全。我们不是要得到他们。”


在这些年中,研究填补了有关危险来源的统计图。最近对明尼苏达州驾驶员的研究表明,年轻和年龄较大的驾驶员往往比中年驾驶者加​​快速度。新利18备用其他研究表明,重型卡车涉及所有工作区死亡的三分之一。上个月,在内布拉斯加州列克星敦附近的80号州际公路上发生的五人车祸中,有6人死亡,当时一名分心的卡车司机将一辆小型货车往后一辆小型货车,当地报纸描述为“正面”跨界建筑区。据称,该驾驶员被指控犯有许多违规行为,进入了一个9英里长的工作区,该区域的速度限制从75英里 /小时降至65英里 /小时。


Automated highway radar-camera systems would seem to be a logical step. But 14 states have banned them, although some of those states make exceptions for work zones and schools.



Whether the cameras help is not a purely academic question for the driving public. Roughly 85% of the victims of work-zone accidents are drivers and passengers.

的7个州允许radar-camera系统s in work zones—Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington—not all have put cameras to use. Fines differ, too. Washington state collects $137 for a first violation. In Illinois, an initial violation will earn a $375 penalty, according to presentations by state officials.

在宾夕法尼亚州,两名州参议员提出了一项为期五年的试点计划。其中一位戴维·G·阿格尔(David G. Argall)(R)在一封电子邮件声明中说,几名高速公路建筑工人及其家人要求在工作区中寻求更强大的安全激励措施。

Simply increasing work-zone length or lowering speed limits won’t do the job, says James Baron, a spokesman for the American Traffic Safety Services Association, a Fredericksburg, Va.-based association of road-safety-related manufacturers and service providers. Because work zones come in so many different types and move with the work progress, stretching out the zone and further lowering speed limits isn’t a good idea, he says.

人性也带来障碍。联邦高速公路管理局的工作区管理计划经理Jawad Paracha解释说,驾驶员倾向于忽略迹象和警告,并以他们感到自在的驾驶速度进行速度。

A better approach would be to install intelligent systems that connect to message boards and change as sensors feed in new data about weather, time of day, traffic conditions and new surroundings, Baron says.

Research Backs Camera Use


In a document on the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website, the department claims that SafeZones cut by 80% the number of cars exceeding the speed limit by 12 mph in work zones. It also states that, of almost 1 million citations issued by SafeZones cameras, only two tickets were refunded because they were issued in error.

State officials claim the cameras have a 95% rate of capturing legible photos of speeder license plates, but that wasn’t always the case. A state audit in 2012 found that SafeZones cameras failed to capture clear enough photos of speeders’ license plates, so only 44% of cars caught speeding by the cameras received tickets. The office estimated that the lost revenue from those uncalibrated cameras was at least $850,000.




Similar studies in North Carolina and Arizona found decreases in crashes and average speed from both mobile-camera enforcement and fixed-camera enforcement. The 2009 Arizona study showed that crashes during non-peak traffic periods decreased by 44% to 54% and average speed decreased by 9 mph.

Using a driving simulator and eye-tracking glasses, a 2016 experiment in Minnesota examined whether “Your Speed Is”-type signs—often used in tandem with cameras—distracted drivers. The experiment found that the speed display signage was not a significant distraction.


When Indiana considered a camera speed-enforcement bill last year, opponents worried whether the absence of real-time police review of the camera footage would violate due process and whether camera vendors would receive income per ticket issued. One thing seems certain: Radar speed- enforcement systems will need champions who can make the case that work-zone cameras aren’t a new kind of speed trap but are a vital protection to drivers themselves.