英国政府于9月15日终于批准了240亿美元的Hinkley Point C核电站,该电厂将由国家控制的法国和中国公司资助和建造。这笔交易为中国打开了大门,使用自己的反应堆设计为拥有和建造布拉德韦尔B工厂。

Paris-based EDF Energy controls two-thirds of the 3,300-MW Hinckley PWR project in Somerset, with Beijing-based China General Nuclear Corp. holding the financial balance. The companies will finance the project, supported by various U.K. government guarantees and an agreed-upon energy price of $122 per MWh at 2012 values for the first 35 years of operations.

经过多年的谈判和反对英国和法国团体的计划,Hinkley交易准备在今年7月在香槟庆典上签署。但是,新英国总理特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)在最后一刻停止了交易,并开始了审查。

The security implications of having Chinese state companies so close to critical infrastructure appear to have been the main concern of the new May administration. The deal had been structured by the administration of David Cameron, who quit after he lost the June referendum on the U.K.’s European Union membership, commonly known as Brexit.




EDF Group主席让·伯纳德·莱维(Jean-BernardLévy)表示,新英国的宣布“标志着欧洲的核能重新启动”。EDF能源公司首席执行官Vincent de Rivaz补充说:“我们将承担提供Hinkley Point C的风险和责任。”“从英国重新启动新的核制造而获得的经验和专业知识将帮助跟随项目更具竞争力。”新利18备用网址

In a statement, CGN adds, “We are now able to move forward and deliver much-needed nuclear capacity at Hinkley Point, Sizewell and Bradwell with our strategic partners, EDF.”

Under the general Hinkley contract, EDF will control 80% of the planned Sizewell C plant in Suffolk, with CGN owning 20%. Hinkley and Sizewell will use the French EPR reactor design, developed by EDF subsidiary AREVA. But CGN will control development of Maldon, Essex-based Bradwell B, which will likely include the Chinese HPR1000 reactor called Hualong.


EDF-CGN拥有其建设团队,包括总部位于巴黎的Bouygues Travaux Publics S.A.,该公司正在与英国的Laing O’Rourke Plc。核设备和涡轮机的合同分别签署了法国公司Areva S.A.和Alstom S.A.。