With the 2016 Olympics starting in Rio de Janeiro this week, I’m excited to report that ENR brought home “the gold” in our own field—a competition hosted and judged by business-to-business editors. ENR won two gold national awards from ASBPE (originally the American Society of Business Publication Editors) at its national conference July 21 at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Nearly 1,150 entries were submitted this year in 75 design and editorial categories. Entries compete first at the regional level and then highest scoring entries rise to the national competition.

In the Case History category, Deputy Editor Scott Blair won a gold award for“Seismic Junction”(ENR 6/29/15 p. 40) a cover story about the Transbay Transit Center in San Francisco. Editor-at-Large Nadine Post won gold in the Technical Article category for“Going Against the Grain: The Skyscraper’s the Limit,”a cover story about chipping away the resistance to very tall mass-timber structures (ENR 12/21-28/15 p. 36).

Editor-at-Large Debra Rubin won a silver award in the individual profile category for her coverage ofAward of Excellence Winner HT Tran(ENR 4/20/15 p. 30). The severely wounded Iraq war veteran co-founded a fast-growing construction company that now hires vets and advocates that other firms do the same. And an ENR team led by Washington Bureau Chief Tom Ichniowski won a bronze award in the Government Coverage category for strength of reporting in that sector in successive issues.

In the Overall Excellence/Best Cross-Platform Package of the Year category, a team led by Transportation Editor Aileen Cho won an honorable mention for the print, web and social-media coverage called “Low & Slow: A Look at America’s Critical Infrastructure.”

ENR also won nine Northeast regional awards in categories such as original research, relaunched website, opening spread (illustration) and cover (photo).