In the design profession, a generation gap separates the thought processes of traditionalists—the traditional pen-and-paper and 2D CAD users—from the thought processes of most of the younger employees, who are accustomed to instantaneous feedback and 3D/BIM processes. The dichotomy exists on both the owner’s side of the project, as well as on the design team side—but it does not have to be divisive. In fact, mutual respect between the younger and the older employees for their counterpart’s ways of thinking can be a powerful unifying force.

Respect can lead to what we call “bridging mentorships”—mentoring in both directions, and among all parties: architects, engineers, subcontractors, and owner and stakeholders. The entry-level team members often are adept with the software, but they don’t have anywhere near the practical experience of their seniors. Senior staff members usually know how to put a building together, but are frequently uncomfortable with modern software.

But when a symbiotic mentoring relationship emerges that bridges the generation gap and combines a strong technology culture with practical expertise on a foundation of mutual respect, projects are positioned for enhanced levels of success. Here are insights into bridging the gap.


Cultivating bridging mentorships has become an express goal at our firm. In the next five to eight years, a generation will be leaving the industry, and their real world experience and construction knowledge of how buildings come together will not be an active perspective influencing project work. This senior generation has been on the site, worked in job trailers, dealt with contractors and subcontractors, and has a working understanding of what is needed to get the job done.

At the same time, newer generations increasingly are focusing on technology and dealing with buildings virtually—not actual construction. As a result, they aren’t always gaining the level of real world detail or hands-on experience needed to both creatively and practically solve a problem.




As management strives to be technology and technical market leaders, “Subject Matter Experts” are identified in all areas of the practice groups. The teams work internally to strengthen each other through “Lunch-and-Learns” or “Just-in-Time Project Training” lead by the Subject Matter Experts. This allows the ability to reach the masses with the information needed for day-to-day tasks.

挑战是如何处理?正如所有工作relationships in an organization, a further look into the true issues would be required. As the industry is requiring new technology utilization, it is vital that senior staff implement company processes on their projects. At the same time, architects and engineers need to implement technical best practices on projects. Yet, personality and compatibility issues can emerge as there is such a generational gap in the industry. This underscores the importance of involving Human Resources as part of this process. Personality surveys can help management identify good mentor relationships. Lunch-and-Learns can be valuable for staff on how communication tools can be used to bridge gaps. It is also critical that the executive leadership clearly support both parties equally.

Consider an example of a curtain wall or a façade, and the intricacies of how it is actually constructed, sequenced, and built. In the model, it’s just one element, and questions don’t immediately arise about how it will be shipped to the site, lifted into place or its connections. An architect or engineer sitting at a desk working on a virtual model in an A/E office is not prompted with those critical questions related to construction, but they need to be considered. Only a person with hands-on, construction experience would know to bring up these issues in design meetings.


And, mentorship is not just for the architects and engineers. All parties can benefit from this approach. For example, when contractors hire new employees, perhaps they have to stay on site for their first six months to get that experience working with the trades in the field. Or when a new facility manager is hired, they work with the building operators to receive firsthand experience for what it takes to operate and maintain a building.

可以在日常项目会议中找到桥接指导的好处的一个例子。允许两个知识群体参与的计划和调度会议意味着,当提出问题时,可以解决所有方面。因此,经验是从频谱的两侧表达的 - 技术和技术。通常,在传统的2D工作流程中,只有高级职员(架构和工程师)在会议上。至关重要的是,由于技术实施直接影响项目预算和时间表的成功,不仅有技术知识,而且会议上的技术知识更多。

And, with scheduling, having both sides represented keeps everyone on the same timeline page. For example, someone experienced in only traditional 2D workflows would estimate a certain amount of time for a task, when in reality, through BIM-enabled processes, it could take a completely different amount. Having an experienced BIM user to complement the technical architect or engineer brings validity to task assignments and project schedules during design or construction. On the other hand, having an experienced technical person leading the construction document set development assures the set does not become bloated with meaningless drawings just because the software can produce them—a common way teams underperform. Just because you can does not mean you should.

承包商的经验与4 d和类似的问题5D technology implementation. Having a technology expert who can create construction animations and link schedules or cost to BIM models does not always mean value has been added. If this expert does not know how a project is really going to be sequenced or constructed, all that has been produced is a pretty marketing tool. Technology does not replace experience or knowledge. Uninformed data in, is uninformed data out.

Owners and Stakeholders

Yet, arguably the most important trans-generational working relationship to foster is mentorship among the generations representing the owner and stakeholders linked to the project. This commitment includes planning the adequate time and investment in training to bridge mentorship. Recently, at Woodward, Inc., a leader in control solutions in the aerospace and energy markets, the project team and owner forged such a mentorship as this manufacturing leader is focusing on three new campuses in the US: Rockford, Ill, Niles, Ill and Fort Collins, Colo. Several aspects of the design process demonstrate the mentorship.

To increase awareness of Woodward’s brand, owner leaders sought a stronger, more clearly delineated identity that could reinforce the company’s image in a technology-driven market. The entry vestibules at Woodward convey this brand through the high-tech precision of these very crisp and clean spaces – which involved incorporating all dimensions of design.

促进跨代的工作关系through mentorships among project team and owner, the multi-generational group was able to develop a highly refined design solution using visualization tools, as training and mentoring enabled everyone on the team to navigate in a 3D environment. Significant design analysis went into these vestibules, and many items would not have been able to be communicated to the owner/stakeholders or members of the design/construction team without training and mentorship in using the BIM model.

The model became a non-traditional communication tool for not only the owner/stakeholders and but also members of the project team who were not initially technology oriented. Training and mentorship in the technology enabled them to see the project outside the confines of a 2D plan. In a real time, updated 3D environment where everyone could see and analyze the project, these valuable views brought clarity and prompt decision making as, together, everyone could see surfaces, finishes and material transitions, way-finding and flows, security turnstiles and checkpoints, even seemingly miscellaneous items—like outlets, for example—that factored into a design solution expressing this high tech brand.


The project team worked with the manufacturer of the translucent panels and reviewed all metrics and illumination models to determine the best distribution of light throughout the space. The project team reviewed these models with Woodward to decide how best to use the product without disrupting process or production flows. Light was a focus in both the production and office areas as a unifying element.


斯科特·亚当斯(Scott Adams)是加法里(Ghafari)同事的实践技术经理。可以通过sadams@ghafari.com与他联系。