To make Flint water crisis criminal charges stick against two licensed engineers employed by the state, Michigan’s attorney general will need to prove two things about Stephen Busch and Michael Prysby: that they made deliberate attempts to deceive the public about the lead levels in the city’s water and that they covered up or tried to cover up their deceptions or mistakes.



密歇根州总检察长还指控第三名被告城市水处理厂操作员罗杰·格拉斯哥(Roger Glasgow)。5月,他没有对故意忽视职责的竞争,这是一项轻罪,可能被判处一年徒刑,他正在与起诉中合作。

“These charges are only the beginning and there will be more to come. That I can guarantee you,” said Bill Schuette, the state’s attorney general.


Schuette在证明指控方面面临的问题是弗吉尼亚理工大学工程教授Marc Edwards的熟悉指控,他帮助揭示了Flint的主要问题,在Flint之前,在华盛顿特区,弗林特(Flint)。被承诺。”爱德华兹在电子邮件回复ENR的问题时说。新利18备用“但是,在如此众多的政府中,有很多失败,很难使肇事者负责。”


Prysby has been employed by the state’s Dept. of Environmental Quality as a district engineer and has been licensed in the state since 1993. Busch has been a supervisor with the department’s Office of Drinking Water since 2005. Prysby's most recent base salary as Environmental Engineer License 12 was $76,065 and Busch's salary as Environmental Manager 15 was $93,516.







舒特,in a video interview after announcing the chargesin April, explained some of the thinking behind the charges. All crimes require a guilty act and a guilty mind, the intention to break the law, he said. If a defendant didn’t breach his or her duty in a grossly negligent way, “then potentially you don’t have a crime…just a mistake, a grossly negligent mistake.”

A mistake can lead someone to commit a crime, Schuette said, if the person who made it tries to conceal the mistake or “just turns a blind eye. That could be a problem.”


Testing, reporting, and meeting the federal drinking water standards are the responsibility of the water supplier under sections 325.1007(1) and (3) of the Michigan act. The state Dept. of Environmental Quality is tasked in those sections with fining water suppliers for violations and obtaining and analyzing samples if the supplier hasn't done so sufficiently. In this case, the supplier would be the city of Flint, with the state Dept. of Environmental Quality supervising.

Glasgow’s no-contest plea, however, is an ominous sign for Prysby and Busch, because all three were involved in decisions about the water.


Concern About Water Quality


2014年12月,普赖斯比(Prysby)和该部门发现,弗林特市(Flint)违反了《州水质法》(State Water Felus)法案,以高水平的消毒剂副产品。该部门向该市公共工程部的行动主管布伦特·赖特(Brent Wright)发送了一封有关违规行为的通知书。Wright was also one of the people who pushed for an expedited switch to Flint River water in March 2014. In February 2015, Flint’s public works director, Howard Croft, wrote a memo to Flint residents claiming that the water was safe to drink despite bacterial testing.





After years of campaigning against suspect methods of water testing by utilities, and the acceptance by regulators, Edwards, the Virginia Tech professor, is not making fine distinctions yet about the the defendants in the Flint charges.

爱德华兹指控:“更糟糕的是,雇员没有遵循他们为监督和执行的联邦腐蚀控制法的信件或意图,更糟糕的是,电子邮件表明,他们未能遵循未能遵循的危害法律 - 管道泄漏,军团菌和铅。他们至少努力掩盖了未能遵守法律的十倍。”

In addition to pre-flushing taps, other allegedly deceptive sampling strategies that Edwards has written about include choosing neighborhoods where predicted lead levels are low, waiting until outside temperature is low and water pH high and sampling when water is treated with free chlorine.
