After discarding both the low and second-low bids, the city of Dallas has decided to start over with a competition for a big drainage-tunnel prime contract in the Trinity River watershed in the east section of the city.

达拉斯市议会6月15日以13-2投票通过了新的竞标,拒绝了市政府官员将隧道项目授予Southland Mole的计划,该项目由Mole Constructors Inc.和一家关联公司Southland Holdings LLC,Roanoke,Roanoke,Roanoke,Roanoke,Roanoke,Roanoke,德克萨斯州。竞争对手在12月提交竞标时,南国痣的第二低,售价为209,537,742美元。


在城市审计师的报告之后,决定开始新的竞标,指控达拉斯官员未能进行适当的审查程序。巴西隧道巨头Odebrecht的美国子公司Odebrecht Construction Inc.一直是合同的低价竞标者,为189,246,994美元。

City officials initially designated Odebrecht Construction’s bid as non- responsive because of unspecified errors in its bid, including a line item that “did not total,” according to city records. After a meeting with company officials, the city’s project consultants deemed Odebrecht responsive. But Dallas’ consultants on March 14 found Odebrecht Construction’s low bid to be “non-responsible,” as opposed to “non-responsive,” due to a “lack of tunnel experience.”

Odebrecht建造appears to have lost the bid at least partly because the Dallas consulting team or city officials declined to accept the company’s tunneling projects from different parts of the world as part of the bidding entity’s portfolio of completed projects. According to a presentation by the city’s Trinity Watershed Management project staff, the city’s consultants asked Odebrecht Construction after the company’s low bid to clarify “several items in the bid, including the company’s business structure.”

Odebrecht Construction回应说,该公司“与自己的官员和董事会一起作为自己的独立企业开展业务”,奥德布雷希特官员表示,正如市政官员在评估中所写的那样,“管理和独立性明显的分离和独立性”。

Odebrecht Construction的发言人拒绝讨论此事。

然后,该市决定与Southland Mole一起作为明显的低价竞标者前进,市政府工作人员和顾问进行了更多的研究。城市项目团队准备向市议会提出建议,但在4月13日,市议会要求对合同奖励程序进行审核。

Short-Lived Victory

Southland Mole的明显胜利是短暂的。审计师的报告使Trinity流域管理人员及其顾问的工作人员对隧道竞标者的后续评估不一致,并且未能记录其对Southland Mole资格的审查的一部分。但是,该市的项目团队对所有审计的批评进行了详细的反驳,并断言该团队已经审查了一切,包括Southland Mole的安全和保险数据。

现在,Southland Mole发现自己回到了第一广场。该公司毫不畏惧,该公司计划在未来几个月内再次参加排水隧道项目。

Southland Holdings董事蒂姆·温恩(Tim Winn)说:“我们显然感到失望,但我们觉得自己处于一个很好的位置。”“我们符合所有资格。”

One of the tunnel’s purposes is to stop deadly flooding that, in the past 21 years, has cost 13 lives and inflicted damage on Baylor University Medical Center, schools, commercial properties and homes.
