芭芭拉·瑞斯(Barbara Res)在她的观点栏中:“在成本多合同中管理建筑经理”,对代理建筑管理的了解非常过时。实际上,她所描述的内容与行业现在所谓的建筑管理风险相对应。

For example, Res states, “The CM may have a coterie of subs that it works with, but that might eliminate the owner’s chance of getting a good price.” That is not the case. An agency CM will hold contracts with no subcontractors or general contractors, but only a single contract with the owner, obligating the CM to act as the owner’s trusted adviser in the best interests of the project.

Likewise, she says, “If there is no purchasing department, the buying should be done by the CM’s project manager and executive.” Again, an agency CM purchases nothing on behalf of the owner.

As for her statement that, “often, CMs tell the owner what it wants to hear,” I can only say that this will not be true of any agency CM that subscribes to the Construction Management Association of America’s code of ethics and serves the owner in a trusted advisory capacity.


Bruce D’Agostino
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)
McLean, Va.