西门子AG has installed the first of two 400-MW turbines at the Beni Suef combined-cycle power plant in Egypt, a major milestone in the construction of three Egyptian power plants that will have a total capacity of 14.4 GW. Once completed, the three natural-gas, combined-cycle plants will be some of the largest in the world.

总部位于慕尼黑的西门子与埃及公司El Sewedy Electric T&D和Orascom Construction合作,建造了位于Beni Suef,Burullus和Cairo附近的尚未建造的新行政国会大厦的三个工厂。SGT5-8000H燃气轮机的安装于5月19日在Beni Suef设施开始。该发电厂定于2017年完成,其他两个将在2018年完成。


根据SIEMENS的数据,在Beni Suef中,八台SGT5-8000H燃气轮机中有八台具有400兆瓦的总功率输出和60.75%的效率,将在四个阶段安装。每个阶段都将包括安装两个H级燃气轮机,两个热恢复蒸汽发生器和一个蒸汽轮机。

西门子said the Beni Suef natural-gas power plant, which is set for completion within 19 months, will start operation in a simple-cycle mode before being expanded into a combined-cycle mode through the addition of heat exchangers and steam turbines. When fully on line, it will generate 4.8 GW of electricity, enough to supply 15 million people.

西门子及其合作伙伴于2015年11月与埃及政府签署了一份单独的合同,要求在El Minia,El Beheria,Qalubia,Assiut和Kafr El Zayat建造六个变电站。500至200 kV的变电站最初将传递新的Beni Suef和Burullus发电厂产生的功率。

“这些变电站将将西门子的新的,高效的发电厂整合到网格中,使埃及能够适应家庭和工业客户的需求,”西门子中东高级执行副总裁沃尔夫冈·布劳恩(Wolfgang Braun)说。合同签署。

西门子将执行新变电站的设计,工程,供应,安装和调试,其中包括气体绝缘开关设备,变压器以及控制和保护设备。El Sewedy Electric T&D将执行民事和机械工作。

根据“新发电厂的完成之前,西门子还通过“一项快速轨道计划提供800兆瓦的功率发电能力来应对高峰需求”,帮助埃及满足其2016年夏季电力需求。”Siemens AG总裁兼首席执行官Joe Kaeser在2015年10月的一次采访中。


“We have proposed the installation of distributed generation units to deliver additional power-generation capacity on short notice close to locations where demand is highest,” he said.

Kaeser said the short-term strategy by Siemens will help Egypt to minimize the need for “huge new investments, since it is focused on raising the capacity of existing power-generation units without investing large amounts of money in building new units to meet temporary needs.”


2015年6月,西门子与埃及签署了一份合同,要求在苏伊士湾和西尼罗河地区至少12个风力涡轮机供应600个风力涡轮机。新利18备用网址该公司还获得了批准在位于苏伊士湾沿岸的Ain Soukhna地区建造旋翼型制造厂,并有可能创造1,000个工作岗位。埃及希望到2020年在苏伊士湾和西尼罗河的风电场产生7.2 GW。

埃及, which has a current generation capacity of 31.45 GW, has set a goal of generating an additional 30 GW of electricity by 2020. Currently, 70% of the country’s electricity is derived from natural gas, while the rest is generated by petroleum or renewable-energy sources.